Add John McCain to the list of Iowa Caucus night no-shows. Rudy Giuliani's schedule already shows he won't be here. McCain's Iowa State Chair Dave Roederer told me McCain will be in Iowa earlier in the day but will be in New Hampshire by caucus time.
Meantime, Hillary Clinton's camp adamantly insists (again) she will be here Thursday night before heading out in the late-night hours to get to New Hampshire. Clinton's Midwest Co-Chair Jerry Crawford told me previously because of the short amount of time between Iowa and the New Hampshire Primary (five days), Clinton needed to get there sooner, so she wouldn't be in Iowa Thursday night.
He said he wasn't sure if Bill Clinton would, instead, appear at his wife's rally Thursday night in Des Moines. Apparently, Crawford has told CNN he never stated this. Although, I've re-confirmed with a third person in the room with us during our conversation who verified Crawford did, indeed, make those statements.
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
They're dropping like flies. Does that mean we can start eating downtown again?
I saw Bill Clinton today and he was great!
this is just what will happen if iowa does not take it serously? and Grassley is doing the same thing as Guiliani?I hear Grassley is not going to cuacus? I would think that he would have incouraged all to go vote in there caucus? Unless he to does not think there IMPORTANT Either?...HAPPY NEW YEAR ....hope all is having a great Time and wish all a Happy and safe New Year.....
its sad that the state does not make it a holiday? this is the most important thing Iowa has to be first in the nation,and its on the verge of losing it?............. why do only 10% go out and vote? much does the state do to encourage this?.............after all it does bring in near $100,000,000.00 to our state ? Iowa ready to leave that on the steps of another state?,,,,,,,,,,One hundred million is what we pay our senators,THAT NEEDS TO BE CUT.......And Iowa should caucus that issue Jan. 3rd........With the corruption that is in our state government and is 10 Fold in the federal government IOWA NEEDS TO TAKE A TOUGH and IMPORTANT stand ON CAUCUS NIGHT........An Hour is not too much to ask that Can and Will Change OUR (the worlds ) FUTURE for the next 4 years and to come. HAPPY NEW YEAR ......hope all is having a great Time and wish all a Happy and safe New Year .......
1/1/2008 10:36:49 PM
here is a great question to ask them all? when we all go out to eat and we leave a tip ,the waitress has to pay taxes on the tip? we are really giving her a contribution to be here the next time we eat there? Now with the Hundreds of dollars raised for a person that can spend any way they wish, why in Gods Green Earth are those funds not counted as income and taxed ? Lets ask any of them why they think this is not? and would they change it? It would be great to tax Clintons camp 50 million and Obamas Camp another 50 million that the government needs ,this perk needs to end,this needs to be treated as income and pay taxes on it period,Imagine 22% ? of that in the social sercuity trust funds? Great story for 2008?
Let ask How would Mrs Clinton be open in the white house differ from an e-mail sent to me 8 months ago stating she only answers to New Yorkers when she is a U.S. Senator and they have New York Senators to answer to New Yorkers,does she not represent all of us?......... If she continues as a Senator will she support cuts in spending in congress pay and perks?........seems she is good at spending all kinds of money, 100's SNOW SHOVELS,PIES?,Helicoptor rides, seems she will be good at spending in the white house!!!!!!
Hillary said she wants to get rid of taxes on tips!
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