Edwards--wants universal pre-k for 4 year olds to help education. wants national teaching academies, which will pay for instruction of people to become teachers.
Obama--parents have to do their part on education. have to turn off the tv sets.
Dodd--i agree with barack. parents have to take responsibility.
Clinton--i have a daughter here. bill and i were focused on her education. fund special education.
Question--What can you accomplish your first year in office as President?
Obama--call in joint chiefs of staff. tell them to end the war in responsible way.
Biden--call in joint chiefs of staff and tell them we're doing the biden plan. abandon bush plan on torture. get catastrophic health care coverage for all children.
Richardson--end the war. all troops out. no residual forces. universal health care, which would take a few years to fully implement.
Dodd--give back your constitution. war. robust diplomacy.
Edwards--end the war. close guantanamo. call on american people to take back this country.
Clinton--begin to end the war. find common ground. ask congress to send her everything bush vetoed.
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
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