Governor Chet Culver will ask for most state departments to cut their budgets 6.5%. Here's the release from his office:
DES MOINES – In the midst of a national economic recession, Governor Chet Culver will recommend reduced state spending and no tax increases in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, he said in a speech today to the annual meeting of the Iowa Business Council. The Governor also spoke about the need for the state to invest in creating jobs and rebuilding Iowa’s infrastructure.
“Our State’s sound fiscal management does not mean we can avoid cuts in government spending,” said Governor Culver. “Simply put, just as families and businesses across the state and around the nation are doing more with less, so too must state government.”
In his remarks to the group of state-wide business leaders, Governor Culver discussed key points in his recommended FY2010 budget, which will include a 6.5 percent reduction in spending for most State programs. Complete details of the proposed FY2010 budget will be released on Wednesday.
“While the current economic circumstance is not the fault of Iowans, it is something we must all face together,” added Governor Culver. “We have a history, under both Democratic and Republican leadership, of balancing our budget and acting appropriately to tough economic times.”
The Governor’s FY2010 budget proposal recommends a 6.5 percent cut in spending for the majority of State programs. Other key points about the FY2010 budget that Governor Culver addressed include:
· No tax increases will be proposed;
· Certain key areas – such as public safety, workforce development, human services, disaster relief, the teacher quality program, and early childhood education – will not see the full effect of the 6.5% cut;
· $200 million from the state’s cash reserves will be used in the FY2010 budget;
· Funds from a proposed federal economic stimulus package are not reflected in the proposed budget.
The proposed 6.5% cuts would apply to a total of 205 State programs. Cuts proposed in next year’s budget are in addition to nearly $180 million in spending reductions proposed by the Governor to the current budget. In December, he made selective cuts of $40 million and on January 1 a 1.5 percent across-the-board cut went into effect totaling approximately $90 million. In addition, Governor Culver has requested the legislature de-appropriate $37 million for a new state office building and approve transferring another $10 million to the General Fund.
Governor Culver pointed to the State’s strong fiscal management – including a $620 million cash reserve, a Triple-A bond rating, and one of the nation’s lowest debt levels – as enabling Iowa to take steps to get through the recession not available to many states. One example is the proposed Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Authority, a $700 million initiative to create jobs and improve the state’s infrastructure without raising taxes.
“Creating the Rebuild Iowa Authority will also allow us to build upon federal stimulus and flood recovery funds our state might receive and, when fully leveraged, this $700 million investment will lead to billions of dollars of projects to improve our state,” said Governor Culver. “So while we’re cutting day-to-day expenditures of state government, we would invest in creating jobs, supporting businesses, and strengthening our economy. And we’re in a position to do it without raising taxes.”
Murphy's Law: McCollum is really that good
5 days ago
That's nice. I hope people don't forget the fiscal discipline that he and the Democratic General Assembly lacked the previous two years that helped to get us in this mess.
sad part is a few create the mess but we are told ~we all must face it together~. time for those elected to be held accountable both moneterly and at election time.
Why put the burden on the workers back with a 10 cent gas hike, these people are only trying to get to work and back. I would suggest a 10 cent an ounce in alcohol tax. This would solve several problem as in slowing down the drunk drivers, underage drinking and put money into the courts system that they bring on themselves. Hopefull it would also bring back treatment programs that have been lost do to cuts. The rest could go to the general fund
I see the feds want to use a portion of stimulus package for a stop smoking program. Has all the tabacco money already been misspent by the states that we have to replace that also.
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