Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Culver Will Run for Re-Election

O.K., I guess this doesn't count as breaking news. But... I was talking to Governor Chet Culver about all that happened last night at the Iowa Statehouse when House Speaker Pat Murphy evicted about 500 people. Most of them were fired up about the plan to change the state's tax laws, eliminating federal deductability, raising taxes for some and lowering them for some (yes, I know "fired up" may not be strong enough for some of the cussing, pushing and gum-throwing witnesses have described to me). BTW, as I read the tax charts, I still can't figure out if I would pay lower taxes or higher taxes. How do you figure it out?

Anyway, the Governor told us Republicans deserve some of the blame for what happened last night since they helped bring some of the people there. He said they need to realize the election ended last November. But then he told me this (I think this is the first time he has really said this publicly) ...

"Well have a very spirited election next year. In fact, I'll be on the ballot. I look forward to getting out there myself next year. For now, we gotta take care of the people's business and lower the tone and focus more on solving problems."

I assume his "official" re-election announcement will come with a little more fanfare:)


Anonymous said...

Seems like Chet's already on the campaign trail the way he's been going from town to town selling his "wares", just like President Obama's been doing.

Anonymous said...

I think he should save his money.

Mark Shepard said...

I am glad the politicians seemed upset about this. It is about time they along with the Govenor got a wake up is about time they know being in the legislature is not about "THEIR AGENDA" it is about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE who ELECTED them to represent ALL OF THEM. In a TIME OF ECONOMIC DISASTER FROM THE GREED OF SOCIETY, talking about ANY TAX HIKE is ludicrious. The State of Iowa like many of Iowas families needs to step back from the feeding trough and buckle down and only spend on NEEDED projects. Not try to figure other ways to squeeze more money from Iowans. I have no problem paying a fair share, JUST DONT TAX ME TILL I BLEED. Mark Shepard-Clive