Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Palin to Iowa, Obama Aide to the High Seas

When can we expect to see Sarah Palin in Iowa? I mean, she's talking to everyone else, it seems. What network hasn't she been on this week to say...she loves John McCain, those expensive clothes weren't her idea, she can make Moose stew, etc. So when is our turn? If she wants to become President of the United States one day, she had better start paying attention to Iowa. Just ask Barack Obama. Better yet, ask Hillary Clinton. Maybe we'll ask Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal when they're here next week.

Speaking of Obama, his former Iowa Communications Director looks to be sailing off to a new adventure. Brad Anderson has told former co-workers he's going to work as a spokesman for Carnival Cruise Lines. I'd call him tonight to get his take on it, but it's late. And I don't want to be to blame for waking up the little ones:) Bon voyage, Brad.

Perhaps, he'll find this gig is available when he gets there.

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