Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Purple Matters Tuesday night
Are blogs about to go bye-bye? One professor at the University of Dubuque thinks, while they won't disappear altogether any time soon, he thinks they may start going away. Here's the link.
Here were the results of this week's Purple Poll. The question was who do you think is Iowa's celebrity of the decade? The votes came in like this:
Kurt Warner 12%
Shawn Johnson 40%
Tom Vilsack 3%
The Iowa Caucuses 33%
Ashton Kutcher 3%
Thanks for watching. Catch us next week live Tuesday night at 8pm central on www.desmoineslocallive.com
DSM Council Member Mad at Mediacom

Here's what Meyer posted on his Facebook:
Mediacom is horrible. go get yourself dish network or directv so you can see the Orange bowl. You won't regret it. and btw, the city doesnt have anthing to do with the cable franchise. The legislature took that power away from us....and I'm ok with that. Call your legislator to complain about your cable.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tom Vilsack
Vilsack said he would unveil a $20 million pilot program next month to incent people to eat better. He didn't give out a lot of details. It sounds like they will come out next month. But when people use the USDA's food programs for lower-income families, they could get some kind of cash back or cash incentive on their monthly award if they buy healthy food.
What did you think of President Obama's remarks today about that attempted terrorist attack on Christmas? Did you expect more after three days of silence? Was it damage control after his Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano seemed to flip from Sunday to Monday? Sunday, she said the system worked, then Monday it failed. Something sure seemed to have changed in 24 hours time.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Grassley Top 10 Tweeter
“Pres Obama while u sightseeing in Paris u said ‘time to delivr on healthcare’ When you are a 'hammer' u think evrything is NAIL I’m no NAIL”Here's the full list.
Home From the Holidays
Here's my take on a few stories that have developed over the past few days. What's more odd (or is it "odder"?) The cable channels scurry after a man locks himself in the bathroom (doesn't EVERYONE lock the door?) on the flight headed to Detroit where a possible terrorist tried to blow up a plane on Christmas. It turns out the man, who also apparently came from Nigeria, just had "stomach issues". Oops. And Florida Gators' Coach Urban Meyer had to quit for health reasons. Now, he's not quitting. Or maybe he is. He is just taking some time off. For now. Oops.
State Senator Jerry Behn, a Republican from Boone, is out of the race for governor. I'm not sure most Iowans knew he ever was IN the race. He endorsed former Governor Terry Branstad. So the race is down to Branstad, Chris Rants, Bob Vander Plaats and Rod Roberts. Selfishly, four is a lot easier to cover than five, and, of course, far easier than it would have been if Christian Fong and Paul McKinley stayed in the race. I will be curious if we will still have four R's in the race a month from now after candidates turn in the financial reports that show how much cash they've raised (or haven't raised).
Former Des Moines school board member Jonathan Narcisse is "exploring" a run at governor. Who saw that coming? He has been traveling the state with Rants talking about issues. Will Narcisse go through with this or will he just travel around and rip on his fellow Democrat, Governor Chet Culver? Will he actually try to primary Culver, which would probably require a ton of money? Or will he try a run as an Independent?
Two Republicans say they want to run against Democratic Secretary of State Mike Mauro. The only thing I can remember since Mauro has been in office that has at all been controversial is that he was Sec of State when the feds released the critical report of how the office spent money from the Help America Vote Act. The findings, though, found fault in the way Chet Culver ran the office when he had the job before he became governor. However, Republican challenger George Eichhorn has made the report an early campaign issue.
In tv, we have to work holidays (well, I didn't this year:) But I've had my share. The U.S. Senate did some holiday working, too, on that health care overhaul. If this is the best plan to help Americans, why did they have to hurry to get it done and risk keeping the politicians away from their families over the holidays? Was the support for it that tenuous that Democrats couldn't risk waiting until after New Year's to vote on the bill? Ahh, democracy.
My hometown St. Louis Rams look better and better...well, better and better at getting the top draft pick next year. Their loss today gives them 14 losses so far. A 1 and 15 season looks like a real possibility. I'm so proud!
And my St. Louis Cardinals should tell Matt Holliday to forget it. I'm tired of the drama. Get someone else to help the offense. Well, unless Holliday will sign for reasonable money. Then, go ahead and sign him:) But if Mark DeRosa is really considering a 2 yr/$12 million offer from the Giants, then match it and sign him, regardless of Holliday. Do it!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Purple Matters
Our "Purple Matters" internet radio show is broken into three parts, in case you can't watch it all in one sitting.
We begun with Bill Maske. He's a school superintendent, who is giving up his job, so he can run for Congress in Iowa's 4th District. By the way, it's pronounced like "mask", not "mas'-kee".
Here's the link:
Joel Smits of Cedar Falls didn't like what he saw when he went to meetings, or more appropriately, he didn't like what he didn't see. So he decided to start of group to get more people like himself out and about and involved. He wants to take back America.
Here's the link:
Do you hold grudges against an ex who screwed you over or that neighbor who doesn't take care of his lawn? An Iowa professor completed some research that shows that grudge could kill you, so you better start forgiving!
Here's the link:
We won't have a show next Tuesday night at 8pm central. But we will be back the following week. Have a Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Top U.S. Senate Races
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sarah Palin's book
This week we're debuting our Purple Matters text poll by Catchwind. Here's this week's question: If someone gives you Sarah Palin's new book, "Going Rogue", for Christmas, what would you do?" You have 5 choices.
A. Read it right away. You betcha!
B. Maybe read it later.
C. Won't read it.
D. Re-gift it
E. Burn it!
Here's what you do...Dial the number 72466 on your cell phone. Then just text the word, matters. Only that word, matters. Nothing else. No quote marks around it...just the word, matters. After you send it, you will then get the question sent to you. Then you reply with your vote using the letter a,b,c,d or e.
Just so you know, we're not selling your cell phone number to crazy telemarketers, annoying political groups or anything like that. We won't share it with anyone.
Someone will win a $25 gift card from Starbuck's just for voting. We'll have one of these text polls every week. Maybe I should come up with a cooler name than "Purple Matters text poll". I'll get working on it:)
Thanks for voting. Please pass this along to friends and co-workers, so we can get the most people possible to vote. And we'll see you this Tuesday at 8pm central for our next show on www.desmoineslocallive.com...unless another blizzard of the century hits.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Iowa Efficiency Report
The Iowa Efficiency Report, Culver said, would save about $341 million next year and nearly $1.7 billion over five years. That first year savings would just about erase the projected budget shortfall for next year (Culver uses about $400 million as the shortfall. Others, like the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau , put the number closer to $1 billion But what is a few hundred million dollars among friends?).
Republicans will appreciate seeing some of their ideas from the past few years put into the cost-saving idea pile...like consolidating the state's email systems, cutting the number of state employees (through early retirement, in this case) and reducing the state vehicle fleet. There are plenty of others in here, too, though.
Here's the report. Happy reading. It will keep you company if you're an Iowan trying to get through this blizzard:) I'm going to now leave work to try to make it to our home in West Des Moines. Won't be fun...
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Baucus Girlfriend with Des Moines Ties

Republicans want an ethics investigation. I asked Iowa Senator Tom Harkin what he thought of the news of his fellow Democrat. He said he didn't really have a comment about the story. He told me he first learned of the story this morning by reading the newspaper. And he added, "Issues like this...best just to wait until all the facts come out and stuff like that."
Trompeter's Boyfriend's Car Involved in Shooting
She posted this message to friends on Facebook:
Hi friends. Thank you for the concerns. I'm fine. David's fine. Yes, it's all true. A very strange experience indeed. One minute the police are here helping us, taking reports, etc. A few minutes later their lives are in danger. Gives me new appreciation for the risks they potentially face on every call.ETC...
We saw the new movie, "Blindside" last night. Good. Really good. A little predictable, I suppose, as many movies based on sports often are. It was a bit weird to see Sandra Bullock as a blonde with a southern accent. But she seemed believable.
Republicans Pick New Executive Director
Chairman Strawn Welcomes Executive Director Jim Anderson
Des Moines, IA – Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Matt Strawn today announced Jim Anderson was confirmed by the Republican State Central Committee as the party’s new executive director. Anderson comes to the Iowa GOP from the Republican National Committee in Washington, DC, where he served as the RNC’s Deputy Political Director.ETC...
“Iowa Republicans are poised for sweeping gains in 2010 from Terrace Hill to local offices. We are fortunate to have someone of Jim’s talents joining our effort to bring competent and principled government to the people of Iowa,” said Strawn.
“I appreciate the trust placed in me by Chairman Strawn and Iowa Republicans. Iowans are rightly frustrated by Governor Culver’s failed leadership, and I’m ready to work with our candidates and grassroots activists to advance the Republican agenda with victories next November,” said Anderson.
Prior to serving as Deputy Political Director at the RNC, Anderson worked in Iowa in 2008 as part of the RNC’s Victory campaign and previously served as an appointee of President George W. Bush in the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Treasury. Anderson is a native of Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania and a graduate of James Madison University.
I'm a big fan of NBC's "The Office". But has this season lost a little of its creative originality since Jim and Pam got married? Someone forwarded this article whose author thinks so. What do you think?
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Incumbents and Tiger Woods
If you combine those results with some polls that show support for office-holders tumbling, it makes you wonder whether this "throw the bums out" mentality is just misguided angst about the economy (which could evaporate if the economy rebounds next year) or if it will remake the overall look of government. Hmmm....
There's a lot of speculation about which of the five remaining Republican candidates will leave the race for governor next. Christian Fong became the first to exit, if you don't count Senator Minority Leader Paul McKinley (although some question how "in" the race he ever really was). It sure doesn't sound like the next man out will be former House Speaker Chris (don't call me Christopher any more) Rants, at least not this week. Today, Terry Branstad's campaign sent out a release touting legislators (Rants' current co-workers) who are supporting the former four-time governor. Here's the release from Branstad, followed by one Rants sent out today.
Governor Terry Branstad Announces Legislative Leadership Team
(URBANDALE) – In a sign of growing momentum as he explores a bid for governor, Gov. Terry Branstad today announced the support of Republican legislators from across the state as part of his initial legislative leadership team.
“These individuals are on the front lines of legislative debate,” said Branstad. “They recognize the need for conservative solutions in dealing with the state’s record budget shortfall. They sounded the alarm, but unfortunately, Gov. Culver was unwilling to listen. I share with them their positive vision for our state’s future and look forward to working with them to advance Iowa’s comeback.”
Branstad says this team will work on expanding the governor’s support across the entire state.
“One of the first goals of this team will be to expand and broaden the base of our campaign’s support within the House and Senate Republican caucuses over the coming months,” Branstad said.
The list of Gov. Branstad’s legislative leadership team are as follows:
Sen. Randy Feenstra, R-Hull
Sen. David Johnson, R-Ocheyeden
Sen. Larry Noble, R-Ankeny
Sen. Pat Ward, R-West Des Moines
Rep. Steve Lukan, R-New Vienna
Rep. Ralph Watts, R-Adel
Rep. Jeff Kaufmann, R-Wilton
Rep. Rich Arnold, R-Russell
Rep. Lance Horbach, R-Tama
Rep. Annette Sweeney, R-Alden
Rep. Henry Rayhons, R-Garner
Rep. Dave Tjepkes, R-Gowrie
Rep. Erik Helland, R-Grimes
Rep. Linda Miller, R-Bettendorf
Last month, the Branstad 2010 Committee announced that former State Rep. Carmine Boal, R-Ankeny, would serve as the statewide organization chair.
Rants: “Some of us know Terry Branstad all too well”ETC...
“Terry Branstad is saying those who believe he isn’t conservative enough ‘don’t know him.’ The trouble is that some of us know Terry Branstad all too well,” said Rep. Chris Rants, candidate for Governor from Sioux City.
“It was Terry Branstad on the other end of the phone when he called lobbying me to raise the cigarette tax when I was Speaker. It was Terry Branstad wielding the veto pen when he gutted our education reform legislation because Republicans wouldn’t go along with all the spending he wanted. It is Terry Branstad’s signature on the largest tax increase in Iowa history,” added Rants.
“Opposing the Branstad tax and spend record doesn’t make someone a member of the ‘confrontational right,’ it just makes them a fiscal conservative.”
On Wednesday Terry Branstad told the Dubuque Telegraph Herald that those criticizing his record as governor, "Now I have people saying I'm not conservative enough. Now I have people calling me a moderate, or a liberal," he said. "These people don't know me."
The article with Branstad's comments can be found here - http://www.thonline.com/article.cfm?id=265298
Is there any woman out there who won't come out this week to say she had a fling with Tiger Woods? Why will his wife stay with him after all of this? It's probably just the media's fault. Maybe they beat him in the face with that golf club, too.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Purple Matters
Former U.S. Attorney Matt Whitaker talked about his old life and new life. Now that he has left his post, he talks about the behind-the-scenes decisions about that raid on a Swift meatpacking plant in Marshalltown. He said, despite media reports, officials gave very serious attention beforehand to make sure children wouldn't be separated from their families. He said they even planned out how to care for animals that might be caught up in the process before they made it through to slaughter.
Whitaker also talked about running for office. He said it became clear to him a while back, though, that Terry Branstad would run and would be a force. He also expressed concern about "the bench" for Republicans in Iowa, not that there aren't people on the bench, but rather that the people on the bench don't get a chance to get in the game.
AFSCME Council 61 President Danny Homan also joined us. He thinks it's ridiculous that critics say state workers make too much money. And he doesn't see how Governor Culver or state lawmakers can come back next year and ask state employees to give up more.
Here's the link for their part of the show:
Christian Fong dropped out of the race for governor. He said it was all about the money. He won't rule out joining Terry Branstad's ticket or any other candidate, for that matter. Fong also wouldn't rule out running for office again. In fact, far from it. He also talks about what will be the best thing about leaving the race.
Here's the link to his appearance on the show:
Thanks for listening. Please vote on our War Tax Poll at the top right of the web page. And please keep your comments coming as we keep working to improve our show! See you next Tuesday at 8pm for "Purple Matters" on www.desmoineslocallive.com!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Zaun to Announce for Congress Thursday
The primary race is getting a bit crowded now. Former National Guard pilot Dave Funk announced first. Then former Iowa State wrestler and coach Jim Gibbons got in. Republicans now have a three-way battle for the nomination.
Anyone else want in?
Fong Suspends Campaign
There has been growing belief among Republican insiders that former Governor Terry Branstad's entrance into the race has suck the attention and money away from the other candidates and that we would soon see a few candidates drop out. Rod Roberts, Jerry Behn, Chris Rants, Bob Vander Plaats and Branstad remain. Who will be next to exit?
Here's the release from Fong's camp:
(Cedar Rapids, IA) Christian Fong, Republican gubernatorial candidate announced that effective today he will suspend his campaign for Governor.
“Today, I announce the suspension of my campaign. From this time forward, we will not be actively campaigning for the Republican nomination for Governor. While today marks a change of direction for our campaign and for myself personally, today is not an end to my passion to see the Iowa Dream restored,” said Fong.
“Over the coming months, I intend to be actively involved in the process even if it’s not as a formal candidate for Governor. Iowa is faced with historic challenges and opportunities. The decision voters make in 2010 will greatly shape the future of our state. I personally want to ensure we continue to have a lively discussion about reforming our income tax code, reversing population and job losses in Iowa and addressing the “Brain Drain.” Electing a Republican nominee who is committed to addressing these issues with substantive plans will lead to success, both next November against Governor Culver, and through the next four years.”
“To my supporters and those that have generously supported my campaign financially, I give my sincere thanks. Your support and passion for our state deepened my conviction that this campaign reflected not only our core Iowa values, but our bright future as well. Our vision was clear, but the financial hurdles too great. Yet it is the responsibility of each generation to build on the blessings of liberty in Iowa, and so I will continue to stand with you for the future of our great state,” concluded Fong.
Christian Fong graduated from Underwood High School in Southwest Iowa at the age of 16 and then attended Creighton University, graduating at age 19. After college, he and his wife, Jenelle, located in Cedar Rapids and Christian started work at AEGON. Fong put his career on hold to attend Dartmouth, earning his MBA. He and his family returned to Cedar Rapids, where they reside today and attend River of Life Ministries church. When the floods of 2008 hit Cedar Rapids, Fong founded and still serves today as the CEO of Corridor Recovery, a non-profit flood relief organization that coordinated recovery efforts. The Fongs have three children.
Monday, November 30, 2009
AFSCME Members Vote Yes
Members finished voting last Wednesday, but Homan said he had independent counters re-tally the numbers to make sure they were accurate. That's why he waited to announce the results today, he said. He didn't say if they found any irregularities. But he said about 2/3 of the membership voted. Today he also wouldn't say how many members there are or how many voted. However, at his last news conference earlier this month, he said there were about 9,000 members (there are about 22,000 eligible state employees for AFSCME membership). So by my math, that's about 6,000 or so who voted.
Homan made several suggestions to save money next year:
Let eligible employees retire early with incentives like helping with insurance costs until they're eligible for Medicare or offer cash payments.Governor Chet Culver's office just announced this morning at about 10:15 he will have a news conference to respond to the vote. By the way, his office also just announced he will be attending the Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony at the State Capitol at 5pm. It also kicks off the state employees' annual Toys for Tots drive. I presume state workers, their families and Santa already knew about the event before this announcement.
Raise taxes/end certain tax credits.
Lower the rate of supervisors per state employees.
Here's the full press conference with Homan from today:
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays
And, in case you wondered, more Republicans and Independents prefer Merry Christmas, while fewer Democrats like that choice (but the majority of Dems still like it over Happy Holidays).
What do more people prefer Merry Christmas this year? Beats me. What do you think?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thank You

So I'm thankful for:
My mother-in-law's turkey, followed by pork loin, sweet potatoes, apple walnut stuffing, apple pie...man, I ate a lot.
Getting to spend time with my two little nephews, Mac and Ian (along with Emily's mom, dad, brother, and sister-in-law for the holidays and getting to see the Prices for Christmas).
My job.
Bosses that let me help try to keep politicians accountable to the people they represent.
Public servants who don't try to hide information from the public.
Elected officials who are confident enough in their abilities to communicate to the media the reasons behind their decisions and staffs that let them talk to the media.
The most talented photographers who help me share our stories on tv with you.
The fact I married my best friend.
How Iowans make this feel like home, even though I grew up in another state.
All of you friends who watch my stories, read my observations and share your thoughts to make my job the best I could ever ask. Thanks to all of you.
Finally to my Aunt Pris. Growing up, she always made pies at holidays. Emily's family came to town this year, so I didn't make it back for Aunt Pris' pies back in Illinois. But she shared the recipe of one of my all-time favorite pies!
Here it is...
She told me "Kentucky Derby Pie" is copyrighted. So she just calls this "Derby Pie". Enjoy and happy Thanksgiving!
1 unbaked 9 in. pie crust
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. flour
2 eggs slightly beaten
1/2 c. butter (melted and slightly cooled)
1 c. broken pecans
1 pkg (6oz.) chocolate chips (I use semi-sweet)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 Tbsp. bourbon
Whipped cream (I use Cool Whip)
Mix together sugar & flour. Add eggs, butter, pecans, choc. chips (don't melt), vanilla and bourbon. Pour into pie crust and bake for 1 hour @325 degrees. Serve with whipped cream if desired.
another recipe call for 1/2 - 1 c. flaked coconut. I've done it both ways.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Iowa Senator Part of President's State Dinner

Iowa state Democrats sent out this release about her visit.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Purple Matters
Jonathan Narcisse started off coming after almost everyone. Narcisse, the controversial former Des Moines school board member, is traveling the state with Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Rants. It's a conversation, debate, whatever he prefers to call it. On our show, Narcisse ripped on the Republican candidates and the Democratic Governor Chet Culver. Narcisse is a registered Democrat, but he said he doesn't want to "be put in a box". He also danced around when I asked his real motive for doing this.
What do you think? Does he want to be governor? Should he be?
Here's the link:
Are the peace lovers on the left getting a little miffed at President Obama these days? They say the Prez spent a lot of time promising Iowans he would change foreign policy. But they're not happy he's thinking about sending more troops to Afghanistan. Kathleen McQuillan of the American Friends Service Committee talked about why she and others are getting so impatient with the Prez.
Plus, when is it o.k. for politicians to go shirtless? Or, perhaps, better stated, when is it o.k. for the media to show shirtless pols? And was Newsweek wrong in trying to "sex up" Sarah Palin with its cover picture? Iowa State University Professor Michael Bugela, journalism and media ethics expert, said, it depends. Do you want to see political skin?
Here's the link:
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Jefferson Jackson Dinner
Hy-Vee Hall had a much different look to it than the last JJ Dinner I covered. I didn't report on it in 2008. I anchored the news that night. In 2007, the floor was surrounded by thousands of screaming supporters from the half-dozen presidential candidates. This time the surrounding seats were gone, just seats set up on the floor. Dividers were set up around them to make the occasion feel a bit more intimate.
Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Michael Kiernan declared victory on the health care debate. We have a story in our 5pm newscast tonight that shows how victory is far from certain as 4 senators have threatened to vote against the health care bill the way it is now. All 4 senators are Democrats.
Congressman Bruce Braley really worked the stage. Many times, you will see a speaker at the podium with his back to the crowd for his whole speech. Braley took the microphone and walked all over the stage making sure he addressed the crowd from all sides.
Congressman Leonard Boswell also moved about the stage, instead of posting himself at the podium.
Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge tried to fire up the room by joking (I assume she was joking) that she would write a book, presumably like Sarah Palin. At one point, when the room failed to respond loudly to one of her jokes, she remarked, "Come on, guys".
Governor Chet Culver stood at the podium for his remarks. He laid out what he said were his accomplishments of his administration (raising minimum wage and teacher pay, flood recovery efforts). Most of his comments were followed by polite applause. He did toward the ask the crowd to stand as he finished. Following his request, the crowd responded with its loudest ovation of his address.
Senator Tom Harkin had to appear by tape from Washington, D.C. because of the health care vote Saturday night. Harkin predicted President Obama would sign the health care reform before Congress' Christmas break.
Vice-President Joe Biden wrapped up the speakers. He began with what appeared to be a little jab at his boss. I didn't write down the exact quote. But Radio Iowa's bionic-fingered O. Kay Henderson transcribed it on her blog. First, some background...You might remember back for JJ in 2007 when all the Democratic presidential candidates brought out thousands of supporters, some campaigns accused Barack Obama's campaign of bussing in thousands of supporters from Obama's hometown of Chicago. Obama's campaign denied it at the time.
Now back to Saturday night and the Biden quote, according to Radio Iowa, "Hello Iowa! I assume the reason there’s no balcony this year is because Chicago’s in Washington. Come on. Come on. Chicago is in Washington. Thank God for America.”
Hmmm...Wonder what the Prez thought of that one?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Boswell's Race Downgraded
Is your office gossip central? A new study says a little gossip may not be as bad as the bosses think. Not that I'm one to gossip about it, of course.
Friday, November 20, 2009
1 on 1 with Terry Branstad
A nice woman greeted us as we walked in. The office is pretty sparse, so far. There were signs up on the walls. But other than Jeff Boeyink, Branstad's campaign manager, and Tom Beaumont, the political reporter for the Des Moines Register, I think the office was empty.
We met in a back office with Branstad while Albrecht watched and kept track of the time. Branstad had a busy morning of meetings and interviews. It was two days after Branstad turned 63. He mentioned he got Sarah Palin's new book, "Going Rogue", and loaned it to his uncle. So I couldn't get the gov's literary reviews of her work. He also showed me a prized collection of autographed baseballs. Branstad told me when he was younger, he visited St. Louis to watch former Cardinal great, Stan Musial, play ball for my beloved Cardinals. Musial's autograph is one of the highlights of his collection. Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig, I would say is one of the lowlights. Those were my thoughts, though, not his:) Branstad said he was a Cubs, Cards and Twins fan, but mostly a Cubs' fan. So much for his judgement:)
He also proudly pointed to a baseball he threw out during an Iowa-Iowa State baseball game (ISU got rid of its baseball program after the 2001 season.) He seemed to take great pride in mentioning he threw a strike that day.
O.K., now the interview. Thanks to my photographer, (and the pride of Wellsburg) Travis Jungling, for putting together the full interview. Carroll's pride and joy, Dave Olson, our other photographer, ran the second camera.
Here are the highlights:
He admits that his coming out speech fell flat.
He comes out against same-sex marriage.
He doubts the legality of the plan of rival, Bob Vander Plaats.
He doesn't have much good to say about Governor Chet Culver.
He praises fellow Republican Christian Fong, for trying to one-up one of Branstad's ideas.
Here's our conversation. Your thoughts, as always, are welcome. And encouraged!
10pm story, including response from Gov. Chet Culver:
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Here's the poll.
People keep sending me great song ideas to capture their frustration about jobs, economy, politics, life, whatever it is.
Here are a few more ideas:
Johnny Paycheck --"Take This Job and Shove It"
Loverboy -- "Working for the Weekend"
Johnny Cash -- "Five Feet High and Rising"
Willie Nelson --"Whiskey River Take My Mind"
Marvin Gaye--"Inner City Blues (Makes Me Wanna Holler)."
Keep singing, friends, and keep the songs coming!
Purple Matters
So much of everyone's focus is on money right now. And rightfully so, as we remain in the middle of this Great Recession. As state leaders keep looking for ways to cut expenses to make the numbers work, Iowans for Tax Relief came up with an idea. President Ed Failor, Jr. joined us to share it. He wants to merge all three state university systems into one. The University of Northern Iowa, Iowa State and the University of Iowa would still exist in their three separate locations but they would have one president, for example. Failor said other states like Minnesota and Wisconsin have just one system and save tens of millions of dollars doing that. Here's his idea:
And we're still looking for songs that capture your frustration with life, politics, the economy, whatever it is that has you a bit ticked off. Last night on the show viewers suggested "What's Going On?" by Marvin Gaye and "Tragedy" by the Bee Gees. Keep coming up with your songs. We've had some good ones. Here's the others on the list so far.
Thanks for watching.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Frustrated Songs
"We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister
"I Can't Get No Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones
"Changes" by David Bowie
"Changes" by Three Doors Down
"I Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty
What else do YOU have???
Monday, November 16, 2009
Incumbents in Trouble
I interviewed one of those frustrated Iowans today. His name is Richard Bockewicz. He lives in Urbandale. He's one of those purple people, not a Democrat or a Republican. He votes for the person or the issue, not the party. He'd vote for the politician who could help him get his life going in the right direction again. Bockewicz is working two part-time jobs to try to provide for himself and his fiance until he can find full-time work. He is tired of empty promises and he wants governmental leaders to start listening to the people again.
The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza took notice of the Register Poll. He writes that Culver appears to be "in a free fall".
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Culver Drops in Polls
Iowa Governor Chet Culver has been falling and he can't get up. At least not yet. Culver's popularity, according to the Des Moines Register Iowa Poll ,has dropped 20 points during the year and 10 points just since September. It's doubtful the budget mess or filmgate has helped his popularity efforts.
Two Republican candidates beat Culver head-to-head, one by quite a bit. Bob Vander Plaats topped Culver by 8 points. But Terry Branstad tripled that margin...24 points. Branstad is the only candidate in the poll who tops 50% popularity. TB hit 57%.
Speaking of popularity...My wife and I hung out with about three dozen University of Missouri-Columbia journalism students this weekend. They checked out her station and then checked out mine. I'm sure they like mine better:) They were really sharp, inquisitive and bright and made me proud.
One student said something to me like, "Wait...I just figured this out. YOU'RE Dave Price." I replied, "yep". She continued, "Dave Price is the name of the best camera we have at KOMU (the NBC station in Columbia where many of the student work part-time)." Apparently, the news director named each camera after certain employees who used to work at the station over the years. Quite an honor, I thought. I was feeling pretty good about myself...well, that is, until a friend sent me this...

It's the preview on DirectTV about what airs on WHO-TV 13 on Saturday at 10pm. Apparently, some guy named "Dave Bryce" is on. Maybe I will have to tune in. (By the way, our meteorologist also has two t's in Brett.)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Same-Sex Marriage Again
Corning was lt. governor under former governor-turned-(almost official) candidate Terry Branstad. Vander Plaats, who voted for Branstad and Corning, sent out this statement late this afternoon:
DES MOINES – Former Lt. Gov. Joy Corning’s announcement that she has recorded a statewide call urging Republicans to support same-sex marriage reflects how out of touch she is with mainstream Iowans’ stance on the issue, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Vander Plaats said this afternoon.
Corning, who was selected by then-Gov. Terry Branstad to serve two terms as his lieutenant governor, said she had recorded the call on behalf of the pro-gay marriage group One Iowa because she believes “it would be nice if we had at least one gubernatorial candidate that was espoused to mainstream traditional centrist values instead of concentrating on those far right social values.”
“This is the sort of thing that happens when you appoint a lieutenant governor who is completely out of step with Iowans’ values,” Vander Plaats said. “As we celebrate Veterans Day, the beauty of America is that our men and women in the military fought to protect our rights, including the right to free speech. The former lieutenant governor is entitled to her opinion, but I’m certain that she is the one who is outside of the mainstream not only in Iowa but across the United States. The belief that the institution of marriage as one man and one woman is simple, settled and overwhelmingly supported. That is why voters in 31 states that have voted on the issue have voted every single time to affirm marriage as one man and one woman. It is the foundation of our society.”
The Sioux City Republican said the timing of Corning’s call is “too obvious to overlook.”
“Terry Branstad enters the governor’s race on Saturday night without stating where he truly stands on the issue and on Tuesday night his lieutenant governor does an automated call urging Iowans to support same-sex marriages. All of that takes place not too long after his former chief of staff wrote an opinion piece saying the Republican Party needs to nominate a candidate with ‘centrist’ views on social issues,” Vander Plaats said. “Urging Iowans to support same-sex marriage is not only out of touch with Republican values but it is overwhelmingly out of touch with Main Street Iowa.”
He added, “If you listened closely to his speech on Saturday night, Terry Branstad did not say he supports one-man, one-woman marriage. He said he would break the legislative logjam that is preventing a referendum by Iowans. That’s not the same thing. If he wants to break the road block, he should join me by committing to sign an executive order banning additional same-sex marriages on day one in office until Iowans have a right to vote on the issue.”
Trompeter back to California
Jeanette blogged about her move.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
AFSCME decision
Tough choice, huh?
What should they do? What would you do? Please send this question to your friends and co-workers. I want to go through as many responses as I can tonight on my internet radio show "Purple Matters" at 8pm on www.desmoineslocallive.com. And please say in your response whether you are an AFSCME member, whether you are a state worker or whether you know someone who would be affected by the decision. Thanks a lot.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Branstad's Debut
Radio Iowa's Kay Henderson calls it a "rocky performance" in her story this weekend.
The Des Moines Register's Kathie Obradovich said he "needs more practice".
I talked with probably about a dozen people at the event, maybe a few more...none seemed blown away by Branstad's speech. For the record, Branstad was the only candidate to stay within his allotted ten minutes.
Sunday, all six candidates for governor received the invite to attend the Hamilton County GOP's 3rd Annual Chili Supper and Fundraiser Auction. Candidate Chris Rants points out which four candidates showed up (you can figure for yourself with process of elimination Branstad and State Senator Jerry Behn were the no-shows). Here's Rants' tweet tonight:
Just left Hamilton Co GOP chili feed - me, Rod, Bob & Christian making our pitch for Gov nomination..No mention of how the chili was...
Huckabee Book Tour

(Photo courtesy: Iowans_Rock)
Jonathan Martin of Politico is among the people waiting in the lines. He was already in town for Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty's visit to Des Moines Saturday. He tweeted this tonight:
How serious is grassley about re-elect? he's at a borders in w des moines at huck event, working the line thru the stacks
Rite now enjoying great presentation by Ia Veterans military Band. More than 1000 in dsmBy ending his night with Huckabee, Grassley spent back-to-back days with two of the early favorites in his party to run for president in 2012, T-Paw and Huck. Anyone seen Palin yet? I mean it is 2009:)
More Pawlenty for President
Jonathan Martin for Politico wrote about how T-Paw came after President Obama.
Radio Iowa's O. Kay Henderson wrote about T-Paw borrowing (with a twist) Obama's campaign line
The Des Moines Register's Kathie Obradovich wrote about T-Paw's "smokin' hot wife". (Kathie also wasn't too impressed with Terry Branstad's speech later that night).
Lee Enterprises's Charlotte Eby wrote about how T-Paw said Dems should focus on jobs.
gave T-Paw a positive write-up.
theiowarepublican.com gave T-Paw a positive write-up.
The Associated Press's Mike Glover wrote how T-Paw wants Iowans to focus their anger.
The Iowa Independent's Jason Hancock wrote about how T-Paw urged Iowa Republicans to stick together.
Pawlenty for President
One clip you won't see is what can happen when an out-of-state politician comes to town to do the obligatory praise of that state's politicians. Pawlenty mistakenly called Iowa Sec. of Ag Bill Northey, "Dave", and called State Auditor Dave Vaudt, Dave "Voyt". Oops. He did correct Vaudt's name. I bet Pawlenty will get another chance to get it right:)
Friday, November 06, 2009
Union Deal?
Earlier this week, Culver's spokesman said today was only a "goal". The office did not say today whether the unions made the "goal".
Apparently, the governor has returned to the state. The office sent out a release late this afternoon to say Culver would be in Spencer tonight for a pheasant hunt. This would be the governor's first public event in Iowa this week. He held campaign-related events in Washington, D.C. this week and held a public event where he met with Iowa veterans on the Iowa Honor Flight. Here's the release on the event we just learned of for tonight:
Governor Chet Culver is attending the “Governor’s Pheasant Hunt” tonight in Spencer, joining dozens of Iowans who love the outdoors, to raise funds for the Clay County chapter of Pheasants Forever.
The annual hunt brings together private individuals, corporate sponsors, and the state Department of Natural Resources, to showcase Iowa’s great outdoors, and to highlight the unlimited opportunities in Iowa’s wilderness.
“As Governor, I can think of no better way to spend a crisp fall weekend than being outdoors with my fellow hunters,” said Governor Culver. “The best part is, this hunt goes to support a great organization – Pheasants Forever. I appreciate the individuals and businesses who have donated their time and funds to make this event a success, and I want to thank Director Rich Leopold of the Department of Natural Resources for all he does to protect Iowa’s lands, lakes, rivers and streams.”
This is Governor Culver’s third annual Pheasant Hunt.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Purple Matters Tuesday night
Pastor and host of the popular conservative Iowa blog, Caffeinated Thoughts, Shane Vander Hart, talked about his private meeting, along with about ten other Iowa religious leaders, that he had with former Governor Terry Branstad. The short of it...Shane wasn't too impressed. He recorded the encounter.
He is a big early backer of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. He's not buying the story that Palin wanted 100-grand or so to speak to the Iowa Family Policy Center. But he also doesn't sound like he thinks it's the best idea for a possible presidential candidate to ask for a huge chunk of change to come speak to Iowans. His interview is in the first video segment below.
University of Iowa Professor Marshall Poe also described a horrifying experience he and his family had when a drunken student came pounding on his family's door in the middle of the night recently. Poe wrote an op-ed piece in the "Des Moines Register" Sunday. He wants the university to crack down on all the binge drinking that's going on. He recommends the university start suspending students for serious alcohol incidents. That, he believes, will get people's attention that the university is serious. Poe's interview is also below. By the way, on the side of his work as a professor, he also runs a website to highlight historical works (he's an accomplished author himself). Check it out here. His conversation with us is in the second video segment.
New York Times political writer Jeff Zeleny just finished a big project on how Iowans view President Obama since they helped elect him a year ago. Jeff knows Iowa well. He used to write for the Des Moines Register. He went back and interviewed several dozen of the same Iowans he interviewed before the election. He asked the Democrats, Republicans and purple Independents what they think of the Prez's performance. It seems some of the luster of the hope and change has worn away as reality has set in. Here's his piece in the NY Times. Jeff describes what he learned in his project in the second video segment below.
During the show, I asked for your opinions on whether it's o.k. to show a woman's breasts in a television story. WJLA-TV, the ABC station in Washington, D.C., aired bare breasts in video of a story showing how women should check for breast cancer. It is good journalism or is it just a ratings stunt for the "November sweeps"? Here's the story. What do you think?
As always, please share your news,views, questions, comments and suggestions.
Chet, Stronger Than Ever
Here's the ad:
Monday, November 02, 2009
Tim Albrecht, a.k.a, the Beanwalker, is trading beans for Branstad. Albrecht has begun as Terry Branstad's communications director. Gee, do you think this means Branstad will run for governor? Yes, that's sarcasm:) Here's the release from the Branstad, uhm, "campaign" (what exactly do we call it at this point?):
Governor Branstad 2010 Committee Names Tim Albrecht as Director of CommunicationsFormer Iowa Representative Libby Jacobs also has a new job. She had been a victim of budget cuts at The Principal Financial Group, which cost her job as director of community relations. Jacobs was a 7-term Republican representative from West Des Moines, who didn't seek re-election in 2008. She just launched The Jacobs Group. Here's how she described her new endeavor in an email to me today:
(URBANDALE, Iowa) – The Governor Branstad 2010 Committee today named Iowa Republican strategist Tim Albrecht as its Communications Director. Albrecht will handle media relations, new media and the online efforts of the campaign. He officially begins today.
“We are excited to have Tim join this campaign,” said Branstad committee leader Jeff Boeyink. “His extraordinary experience in both traditional and new media will be beneficial as we move forward in our efforts. His addition shows growing momentum as Governor Branstad explores a possible gubernatorial bid.”
Albrecht previously served on the campaigns of presidential candidate Steve Forbes and gubernatorial candidate Steve Sukup. He served four years as Communications Director for House Speaker Christopher Rants, R-Sioux City. He then served as the Iowa Press Secretary for Gov. Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, and currently is Communications Director for the American Future Fund – a nationwide conservative grassroots advocacy group based in Iowa.
“Governor Branstad is tested, proven and ready to lead this state in a positive direction,” said Albrecht. “Iowans in every corner of the state are concerned about mounting job and economic losses, as well as the bleak outlook of this state’s finances. It is time for us to have a strong leader in the governor’s office who will focus on moving Iowa forward.”
Albrecht served clients through his full-service communications firm, Albrecht Public Relations, and ran the popular conservative-leaning news aggregator http://www.TheBeanWalker.com, which Albrecht says will continue under a new publisher to maintain the integrity and independence of the site throughout the primary and general elections.
The Jacobs Group is a consulting firm providing assistance to not-for-profit agencies and for-profit businesses in the areas of community/public relations, fund development strategies, grantwriting, and government affairs. The state's ethics laws preclude me, as a former legislator, from doing lobbying, so the government affairs activities center around issues management and grassroots organization.And, for the 3rd "ch" of our ch-ch-ch-changes...1st District Congressman Bruce Braley has a new communications director, Caitlin Legacki. The name, "Caitlyn", sure can have a lot of spellings. Anyway, here's the release:
New Communications Director Joins Braley’s Staff
Washington, DC – Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) announced today Caitlin Legacki will serve as communications director in his Washington D.C. Congressional office. Legacki lived in Iowa during the 2008 presidential caucus when she worked for former U.S. Senator John Edwards’ press office in Des Moines.
Most recently, Legacki served as press secretary for U.S. Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC). During the 2008 general election, Legacki served as press secretary on Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s (D-NH) Senate campaign and is a graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
“I’m excited to add Caitlin’s experience and motivation to my team,” Braley said. “She’s very familiar with the people of Iowa and related issues, which make her a great fit. Caitlin has a diverse background of experience and a passion for this field that will make her a unique asset to my office.”