Governor Chet Culver stood Tuesday before a crowd of people who probably don't normally approve of all of his money plans. He spoke at the luncheon of the Iowa Taxpayers Association at the group's meeting in West Des Moines. But Culver tried to assure the crowd he is working to do what the members would want: save the state money. Culver released a 111 page report from a state consultant that outlined 90 ways to save big bucks.
The Iowa Efficiency Report, Culver said, would save about $341 million next year and nearly $1.7 billion over five years. That first year savings would just about erase the projected budget shortfall for next year (Culver uses about $400 million as the shortfall. Others, like the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau , put the number closer to $1 billion But what is a few hundred million dollars among friends?).
Republicans will appreciate seeing some of their ideas from the past few years put into the cost-saving idea consolidating the state's email systems, cutting the number of state employees (through early retirement, in this case) and reducing the state vehicle fleet. There are plenty of others in here, too, though.
Here's the report. Happy reading. It will keep you company if you're an Iowan trying to get through this blizzard:) I'm going to now leave work to try to make it to our home in West Des Moines. Won't be fun...
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
Not another one of those.
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