Tuesday, August 30, 2011

O'Donnell Coming to Iowa

Re-Do: I feel like I can hear the old guy at the ballpark..."Scooore-cards. Scoooore-cards. You can't follow the action without a scoore-card!" The Christine O'Donnell saga as taken yet another turn. First, Tea Party of America organizers confirmed today the 2010 Delaware Republican U.S. Senate nominee was coming to the event this Saturday in Indianola where Sarah Palin makes her "major announcement". Then hours later, the group said there was a scheduling problem and there was no slot available for O'Donnell. So she got dis-invited. Guess what? O'Donnell is supposedly back on the schedule. O'Donnell said this tonight in an email, "In Troublemaker (her new book) I talk about 'rising above it', and have humbly re-accepted the re-invitation to speak in Iowa."

Her staff said the group re-invited her, so she will be there.

Unless something changes again.

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