Either way, our country will make history in two months. We've never had an African American president. We've never had a female vice president. Something has to give here one way or the other. Electing Barack Obama makes history. Electing Sarah Palin makes history. But does history matter to you?
How much does "the first factor" have on your vote? Would you vote for Obama just because he's black. Would you vote for Palin just because she's a woman? What is it that earns your vote?
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
I'm just ready to move beyond the last eight years of bad government. The republicant party is terribly twisted and dishonest, our country needs new direction. Since mccain has decided to stay true to his party by running as a republicant, he deserves to be shown the door. He apparently believes that the Karl Rove way to run a campaign will net him a win. Dishonesty First!
I don't know where Alaska has been hiding Sarah Palin, but she's fabulous!
I wanted Hillary in there. But Obama got chicken.
I do not care which happens, a black or a woman, that is not important. I am a single issue voter. "What is your stand on the second amendment?"
Therefore, I certainly will not vote for any liberal, bleeding heart, brain dead, demoncrat.
Two weeks ago, neither "first" would have been a factor for me. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. However, in light of the media's recent critique of Palin based on her gender, and the blatant sexist comments that have been aired, it has stirred up a comraderie among many women, who like myself, were maybe not sure who to vote for. It certainly isn't the major issue I'm basing my decision on, but it just may be what swings me to the Republican side.
I would love to know why aren't thay asking how men can run and be a good dad . Thay are asking it about Palin saying she isn't a good mom becouse she is running will I hate to tell everyone women can do everything a man can do if not more. I am what thay call a white walmart mom and I didn't know witch way I was going I didn't like Obama becouse of one thing he did in Ottumwa he wouldn't singe his name and he told the person he didn't have time for will his words shit like that. that showed me he wasn't a workin class man. But after hearing palin I am on there team. and Proud of it too.
I'm not interested in indentity politics. While it would be great to cast my ballot for the first African-American president - I can't vote for Barack Obama because I disagree with many of his policies.
I won't vote for the McCain/Palin because Palin is a woman, but because she is a reformer and is conservative. I have more in common with McCain than not.
There is no first factor for me. I think it is really significant this country has the chance to pick a first this year. But that can't be the only reason I choose someone. By the way, I'm still undecided.
I don't know why there is so much media bashing surrounding Palin's appearance as a complete unknown on the political scene. The media were doing their job in introducing us to Sarah Palin, and, as the Republicans love to do, they decided slam the media, even though the media coverage I've seen of Sarah Palin has been largely positive. She's too much of a lightweight for me, and the Republicans has no clue about changing. We need Democrats in the White House again, regardless of race, gender or species.
Does it really matter? Whichever one gets in...they will most likely be in for only 1 term. I don't forsee either one doing anything to stop the spiraling National Debt. Although Obama/Biden will blame all the economic woes on Bush..eventually they have to take ownership for what they are doing, (or not doing) so IF we are still having economic problems, which we will, they will be voted out.
Seems like everybody, including himself. is refering to Obama as Afro-American. Wouldn't both parents have to have African lineage for him to be Afro-American?? Seems to me his mother was White!! Wonder how she'd feel about this besides left out!
As far as the first thing that has no influence over my vote.I dont feel Obama is honest and I dont believe in his policies.I was goin to vote for Mcain already.Sarah Palin is just icing on the cake.From what I have learned about her she stands for all I believe in.I think she is the republicans best kept secret. Mcain/Palin 08
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