Thursday, May 10, 2007

Richardson Goes for funny TV

Bill Richardson's hoping some laughs will get him some attention. He's started running a new series of ads across Iowa. Check them out...funny or not funny?


Anonymous said...

Bill seems a little too sure of himself... Even comes across rather pompous. Especially from a guy who's registered at 2% in the latest polls. Their message may want to revolve around getting his name recognized before sending the message that he should be handed the presidency, which is what comes across in these ads.

Anonymous said...

Rudy Giuliani snubbed some Iowa farmers for not being rich enough to hold an event about the inheritance tax. They are UPSET about it too.

Anonymous said...

dsmnews may want to check out Richardson's qualifications. He is the most qualified. Maybe not the best person for the job, but he has the background that on paper would make him look like he should be the frontrunner.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

the ads are great, I posted on them tonight as well.

stephanie, he isn't the front runner because he isn't sufficiently anti bush and is far too grounded in reality for the lunatic left that has become the democrat mainstream.