The Interview: Here's the full interview I did with Donald Trump on WHO radio this afternoon. Yes, he sounds VERY serious about running for president. Either that, or he is a heckuva salesman. My previous post has some of the highlights of the interview. Since then, I now know, Mike Cohen, the man behind, will be flying into Des Moines on Monday (in one of Trump's planes). His official title is this: Executive Vice President and Special Counsel to Donald J. Trump. He plans on meeting with Republican Party of Iowa State Chairman Matt Strawn and some others. Sounds like the Trump people are starting to look into the organizational and ground game aspects of a possible run by talking with people in the know. If Trump confirms that he is coming to western Iowa Congress Steve King's event later this month with some other presidential possibles, perhaps, we'll see how serious Trump really is about 2012. This audio is courtesy: WHO radio.
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
I really enjoyed having you on WHO yesterday afternoon. Nice to have a "Normal" person on the radio!
Thanks a lot, Susan. I've always wanted to hear someone say I was "normal"!
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