Catching Up: I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. But we did put the speeches on-line of all 5 Republicans from the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition's event in Waukee Monday. Did you go? The group said attendance approached 2,000. That's more than I would have guessed. But organizers say there were a lot of people in the overflow rooms. I'm putting up a poll on this. If you had to pick from 1 of these 5 guys for president, which one would you pick?
Here are their speeches with a random observation or two on each.
Tim Pawlenty--He comes from Minnesoooota, yet he sounded like a southern preacher at times during his talk. Listen to it for yourself. Am I crazy?
Rick Santorum--Took a little jab at Pawlenty at the beginning. Pawlenty called The Iowa Faith and Freedom's leader Steve Scheffler, "Chuck" several times. Santorum made sure to call Scheffler, "Steve". Funny or petty? What do you think?
Buddy Roemer--Used to be a Democrat. He said Ronald Reagan encouraged him to become a Republican. Will that fly with the caucus crowd? He also said he won't take more than 100 bucks from individuals. Some may see that as admirable, but is it doable to actually finance a legitimate campaign? He also added that he opposes ethanol subsidies. Bold statement to make in Iowa. Seems to me two-time presidential candidate John McCain wasn't a fan of ethanol subsidies at one point and then he later joked about drinking a glass of ethanol with Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley every day. Does that taste better than eating crow?
Newt Gingrich--Didn't address his three marriages. Very curious how that issue will go over with the Republican caucus goers.
Herman Cain--Probably got the loudest ovation of the 5. Very comfortable in front of the microphone. Curious what kind of caucus campaign he would run.
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
Your poll shouldn't be titled "If you HAD to vote for one of these..." if there are other options (such as another Republican and Obama). Either it's "Who Would You Vote For" or leave the other options out.
Fair point
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