Their Words, Your Thoughts: Newt Gingrich said he screwed around on his wife because he loved his country. I'm curious if your spouse would take that as a legitimate excuse. Mine wouldn't. Gingrich made his comments to CBN's David Brody during an interview at the famous Machine Shed Restaurant in Urbandale, Iowa (my mother-in-law's favorite breakfast place when she comes to town). Gingrich said his passion for the country lead him to do things that were inappropriate. O.K., married people, how would this excuse go over at home?
History Problem: Michele Bachmann offered an historic gaffe during her stop in New Hampshire about the "shot heard 'round the world". The gaffe may not be historic. But the topic was. She apparently confused the Granite State's history with its neighbor, Massachusetts. Hopefully, for her sake, she ad libbed that speech. And she just had a mental mix up. Because if she prepped that line for the speech and then said it, that would really be an unfortunate "oops".
But, perhaps, even more embarrassing for Bachmann is this: that moment in history is intertwined with the genesis of today's tea partiers and Bachmann is a proud member of that tea party group. Oops.
By the way, don't think she's not serious about running. Indianola Senator Kent Sorenson is already working to push support for her (on a volunteer basis) in Iowa. More to come on this...
Bachmann will be interesting to follow if Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin don't run. It sure doesn't seem like Huckabee is planning to run, at least not yet. Eric Woolson, Huckabee's campaign manger for his 2008 winning (Charlie Sheen has now ruined that word, "winning") Iowa Caucus campaign just had to announce his support for Tim Pawlenty, after word of the future support leaked out in the Washington Post. Palin has been scarce in this state as her poll numbers fall. I don't know of any elected official pushing Palin's cause so far. Conservative blogger, Shane Vander Hart, is a Palin backer and posts about her on his Caffeinated Thoughts blog. But that's about it, as far as I know.
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
The Mrs. and I did love how you snuck winning into last night's news ending.
The trolls tried to stop me. But they can't!
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