Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Smokers, Go Outside

Today, Governor Chet Culver signed the smoking bill in the Statehouse rotunda before I'd guess 300-400 people who gathered on two floors to watch. In case you weren't sure, that's his picture above. He's the one with the nameplate put in front of the temporary table set up for the event.

Lots of handshaking and smiles. Not a lot of time for us media folk. We assumed the Gov would want to talk about "this historic day" after the bill signing and what it means for Iowans' health. We assumed he'd have time for us. Was he worried at all about talk of a class action lawsuit from bar owners who are ticked off that casinos got a pass on the ban? Was he concerned the ban would be tough to enforce?

Trips to Disney World, the Master's in Augusta, Georgia, Kosovo and campaigning for Barack Obama in Pennsylvania have kept him away from the state he governs in recent weeks. Since he's back in Iowa now, we thought we'd be able to catch up with him. We were wrong.

BTW, I'm told the legislative session should end next week.


Anonymous said...

wonder if he told the troops that while they fight for freedom he and our other idiots in the gold dome are taking it away.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - so true! On one hand I won't miss second hand smoke, but on the other I wonder what is next.

Slippery slope.

Anonymous said...

What's next?? Anything that takes away your personal choice/freedom and gives that right to the Government! They're all a bunch of Communistic oriented power mongers!

Anonymous said...

The following is an excerp, from a local newspaper, regarding the Racial Disparity Bill that Culver recently signed.

While Culver praised the new effort, he said there is still more work to be done.

"I am committed to making sure that all levels of government reflect a shared value of fairness and justice," he said. "So, while I am very proud of the steps we have taken ... I want to be clear our efforts are just the first in many steps that we still need to take."

If he is so concerned with "fairness and justice", where was the "fairness and justice" in the Smoking Ban?? There wasn't any! Karl Marx would be very proud of our "State's" decision on this! Marx was an advocate of Political Correctness and that's all what this was about! A BIG PC farce!

Anonymous said...

as the man said on who this morning his raise and smoking bill plus tax raises are being done early in his term and hopes we will have forgotten about it by next election time.

Anonymous said...

Reasoin why no one could get the Govenor to comment on the bill signed to ban smoking is he was in the office trying to figure how he was going to justify his BIG raise while Iowans are being laid off, high gas prices, additional registration fees for vehicles etc etc....I have yet to see a TAX HIKE on Alcohol....more die by drunk divers then smoking...I thought my home state of Pennsylvania as we called it THE LAND OF TAXES....seems Iowa has a well kept secret.....the politicians on the hill in Des Moines....if we dont put our foot down and SOON, we will all be eating tofou and drinking bottled water while violent crime and sex offenders go unchecked