Monday, August 20, 2007

Who's the Winner?

It seems as soon as these presidential debates wrap up, the campaigns are claiming victory. Sunday's democratic debate at Drake University in Des Moines was no different.


Anonymous said...

In the recent ABC debate at Drake University Senator Barack Obama was the bona fide winner. Senator Obama demonstrated in depth knowledgeable in regard to the war in Iraq and challenging the status quo in Washington. Senator Obama opposed the war in Iraq from the start. Senator Hillary Clinton and John Edwards voted to authorize the war in Iraq without an exit plan. Barack Obama is the real candidate of change that will confront partisan gridlock in Washington.

Anonymous said...

His best debate performance so far. A Fox news focus group on Sunday stated he was the decisive winner of the debate. David Yepsen, columnist with the Des Moines Register said, " Barack Obama was the big winner."

Anonymous said...

According to the Rasmussen national daily tracking poll Senator Barack Obama has gained +8% versus Senator Hillary Clinton since Saturday 8/18/07. Senator Clinton's polling numbers have dropped from a four day high of 43% to a low of 39% on Wednesday 8/22/07. Senator Obama polling numbers have increased from a four day low of 21% to a high of 25% on Wednesday 8/22/07. Appears the ABC News/Drake University debate on Sunday changed the minds of a significant number of Democratic voters.