Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lamberti Thinks Mac, Obama Thinks Iowa

Jeff Lamberti's no longer going to sit the next one out. He's now in John McCain's camp. He's endorsed McCain for prez and will serve as McCain's Iowa co-chair.

BTW, the dem who beat Lamberti is planning on staying neutral, at least for a while. Des Moines area Congressman Leonard Boswell says he reserves the right to endorse, but doesn't plan on doing it anytime soon. Sounds like he'll wait around for the safe choice...after a nominee's already been chosen. For now, he'll take advantage of his out-of-town guests. Hillary Clinton headlined a fundraiser for him last weekend in Des Moines.

How important is Iowa? (like we don't all know by now...)

I got this today from Obama's peeps...

Obama Campaign Announces New Iowa Website

DES MOINES – U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) today announced that he has introduced an Iowa-specific campaign website to help Iowans stay informed and get involved in his campaign.

Obama’s Iowa website can be viewed at www.barackobama.com/iowa.

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