The Politico reports Iowa's Jackie Norris left her position as chief of staff for First Lady Michelle Obama because she didn't like the bureaucracy of the position. By the way, it's also yet another article that dispels any notion of a scandal with this story. It does seem a bit unusual someone would voluntarily leave a position in the White House so early into the administration. But it seems the bulk of what I read and hear makes it seem like Norris just didn't like all the duties her job entailed. She also has three young children, including twins. And her husband, John, also has an extremely time-consuming job as chief of staff to Tom Vilsack at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That can't make for an easy home life.
Sorry, conspiracy theorists. I have nothing to satisfy you so far:)
Here's another tidbit to a story I mentioned yesterday. Vilsack has tapped Iowa Representative John Whitaker to head the Iowa Farm Service Agency. Governor Chet Culver would have to call for a special election to fill Whitaker's seat after President Obama approves Whitaker's appointment. Culver's office emailed me to say no one can comment on the Whitaker situation.
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
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