Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Clinton Calling for Cash, Not Just For Her

Your phone rings and Hillary Clinton's on the other end. She wants money. But not just for her. She's agreed to help Tom Vilsack pay off the big bucks he owes after his failed attempt to become President (I hear it's about $430,000 and he's determined to pay staffers for all their dedication). Clinton's peeps say this is NOT (emphasis added to reflect what I heard on the phone from the campaign) a payback. She's not paying off his debt in exchange for his endorsement.

Other democratic campaigns are also (gladly) pointing to South Carolina right now. Darrell Jackson, a state senator there, and apparently a pretty influential lawmaker...at least, that's what I read, also endorsed Clinton. He's now getting $10,000 a month to consult the campaign. The Clinton campaign also denies any type of deal for his endorsement.


Anonymous said...

Although I am a Democrat, I was lukewarm on Vilsack after he signed the English only deal.

The way he has lasered in on paying those he owes has moved him up a bit on my list. It probably shouldn't. It should just be something that is expected. I pay my bills, why shouldn't candidates, but it sounds like many do leave unpaid bills behind after campaigns. Can you give us a bit more insight into that?

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely pathetic. If a replublician was doing this the media would be making a mockery of it. Clinton is trying to buy the Presidency like she bought her Senate seat. It is time that this State got a clue. Culver has become Governor and is determined to undermine hundreds of years worth of moral values with his pathetic agenda and this is the same thing that will happen if Clinton is elected. Get a clue, vote on issues and stop supporting people who are far left liberals like Clinton, Vilsack, and Culver!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, why are you so angry? Do you want us to vote on issues like moral issues? If we do that Republicans will lose again. For example: Morally, should we have young men and women in Iraq right now? Morally, should we let people continue to die of potentially curable diseases because we don't want to look into stem cell research, etc., etc., etc.

Why drive us apart? What about getting rid of your anger and name calling. Those who live in glass houses.....

Anonymous said...

I wasn't even aware this is legal? Isn't paying off another persons campaign debt in order to get their support fall into the category extortion? Heck, when a record company pays a radio station for spins, that is illegal as heck and people can go to jail for it. So, what's the difference. Think Hillary and Vilsack should be put in cuffs for ongoing criminal conduct. Oh wait, it's ok for them, but it's not ok for you, I get it now.