One In, the Other?: This has definitely been quite a week for presidential politics in Iowa. Michele Bachmann, the native Iowan-turned Minnesota Congresswoman, used Iowa to launch her presidential campaign in her hometown of Waterloo on Monday. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee, used Iowa to launch...well, I suppose, to launch the premiere of the pro-Palin movie, "The Undefeated". We don't yet know if there's more to it.
Bachmann: Her roll out went off with no apparent major problems. There was that comment to Fox news where she said John Wayne was also a Waterloo native. Oops. This one probably didn't get a lot of attention at first outside of the state, perhaps. But Iowans know Wayne is a Winterset, Iowa native, not Waterloo. Likely just a brain cramp. But the comment did feed into a national storyline that Bachmann is gaffe-prone. Once that storyline develops, whether accurate or inaccurate, it gets repeated both nationally and locally. It can be a tough one to shake.
Bachmann showed her comfort before the crowd the two events I watched, both her casual barbecue Sunday night and the official announcement Monday a.m. No teleprompter. And she joked she might get rid of the teleprompter President Barack Obama uses when she moves to the White House. I thought Bachmann's people took some risk for Monday's announcement. It was outdoors and was probably 250 feet or so from the highway, and about half that distance from a fairly busy road. Neither turned out to be much of a problem. The rain quit long before the announcement started and outside from one honking trucker passing by, the nearby noise didn't bring much of a problem. The bigger problem was the hot sun that moved most of her "1 on 1" post-announcement interviews inside. I had about 5 minutes with her. We didn't make much news, I didn't think from my interview. I guess you could say we did stump her with our final question: which state fair is best, Iowa's or Minnesota's? That's probably a question for which there is no good answer for a politician who grew up in Iowa and now lives in Minnesota. But it's a fun one to try! Here's our full interview: