Must See TV: It won't be a debate. But we did get both major candidates for Iowa governor to give us a half-hour of tv time. Governor Chet Culver will be first up on Channel 13's Insiders. His episode will air Sunday, October 17th, at 9:30am. Terry Branstad will air the following Sunday at 9:30a.m.. By this point in the campaign, the two have been asked a lot of things. So we don't want to rehash old news. What hasn't been covered enough yet? Which issues/ideas haven't the candidates answered well enough yet? Comment at the bottom of this post, Tweet me, Facebook me, email me, heck snail mail me...just let me know what you want us to ask on the show. Independents and undecideds, I'm especially interested in what you want to know. So don't hold back!
More to See: Forget "the View" and whatever that new show Julie Chen and those other 18 women are doing for CBS. The Des Moines Register's Rehka Basu is starting an on-line show. She will feature First Lady Mari Culver this week and former First Lady Chris Branstad the following week. Always good to see more options, especially LOCAL ones:)
Murphy's Law: USA teaches Canada a lesson
5 days ago
Ask Terry Branstad about his idea to cut off access to public education to illegal immigrants. He says the Supreme Court ruling that mandates it should be overturned. Why is this important?
Would like to know specific strategies they have for preventing 'brain drain' in the state- Especially during the poor economy and with Iowa's rapidly aging population.
Also, would like to hear some concete proposals regarding education initiatives that could happen immediately to strengthen our educational system in the state, which has been declining in stature in the last few years.
Finally, an honest discussion about how they can overcome the horrible partisanship that is crippling government and generating a culture where progress seems nearly impossible. When can they (everyone-on all sides) get back to a point where each side gives a little bit, gets a little bit and real progress is made on behalf of ALL the people that the govern.
It looks like someone wasn't paying attention during the first debate when Culver claimed he would end brain drain with "brain suck".
Ask Terry Branstad what he did after 1993 to protect Iowans from future floods. Every time the topic comes up, Branstad sends out a spokesman to say how awful it is that we are politicizing the floods. But he never actually answers the question: What did you do to help prevent future flooding?
How about asking how the candidates feel about homosexual marriage. Every question i've seen has ended up with one saying "no discrimination in the constitution" and the other saying "the people should get a vote." But if you asked them, "Is homosexuality immoral?" I'd be fascinated to hear what they have to say. I bet Terry melts down like he did during the interview with Todd Dorman.
I would like Terry Branstad to tell us what the national unemployment rate was when he took office and when he left?
Can you ask Gov. Culver and Gov. Branstad if they think homosexuality is a choice or something you are from birth? Do they think homsexuality is immoral? Mr. Price, please, please ask these questions, as I think they get to the heart of the debate.
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