Still can't make up your mind? Here's your chance. From 8-10 this morning, two bigwigs from the political parties will join us on Today in Iowa Saturday to answer your questions and respond to your thoughts on the issues and candidates for Iowa Votes 2006. Dave Roederer will handle things from the republican side. Lt. Governor Sally Pederson will have the democrats' perspective. Post your thoughts and questions here and get some answers.
Both govenor candiates are talking about quality of education. Many kids don't fall in the standard category. I am refering to the at-risk kids that struggle with academics for various reasons plus the kids that are in special education....how are candiates going to help those kids.
When the profile of Karen Nussle took place on WHO last week it was clear that she was disingenuous about the start of her relationship with Congressman Nussle. It is well known that the Congressman was married when he first started dating Karen, and only later divorced his first wife. Why will the media not mention that Nussle is an admitted adulterer? Adultery and the "sanctity of marriage" is an important issue for christian conservatives and they have a right to know.
Is it true that Jim Nussle is a fan of the Detroit Tigers?
Jim Nussle took a $236 billion surplus in 2000 and through frivilous spending created a $412 billion deficit during his tenure as chairman of the federal budget. Does Iowa have a surplus or deficit and if the congressman is elected, what would stop him from such wasteful spending and creating a deficit here in Iowa?
There are situations such as people who were arrested for statatory rape --the male was 18 years old the girl was 16 years old. Channel 13 has been following a family who now have to move their kids from different schools every year so their dad can live with his kids. Because the dad is on the register and cant live near schools. Are the candidates going to look at those special situations or is the register going to continue to be all or nothing?
Why don't candidates speak out against negative and sometimes untrue ads put out by the Republican or Democratic parties? Most candidates say they don't want to run negative campaigns, but when their party puts out an ad, and the backlash from it, they don't say anything. That makes people more mad than anything.
George Bush said yesterday that if Democrats win in congress they will raise our taxes. Does that mean Bush will sign a tax increase? I thought he night veto a bill that would increased taxes?
"Dave" Lamberti says in his commercial that Leonard Boswell is Iowa's most ineffective member of Congress. Could Lt. Gov. Pedersen explain how Republican control of congress has impacted Leonard's effectiveness in congress on issues such as implementing the 9-11 commission recommendations and the minimum wage?
We need someone in office that will help strengthen our Unions. I have not heard any of them talk about the Unions and how important they are or what the canidates will do to help them. Which canidate is for Unions?
What ever happened to electing the best person for the job? Now, even if you don't like your party's candidate, you still feel the need to vote for him or her just because they belong to your party. I think the national parties need to stay out of the state elections----all they want to do is get more of "their people" in seats than "those other people" Isn't that a big reason why politics is thought of so negatively?
Who has the most negative campaign adds on television and radio, and why so many???
There is plenty of great economic activity in Iowa directly stemming from the current Iowa Values Fund created by the current administration. What are the governor candidates, Nussle and Culver, thoughts on maintaining or even expanding this program?
Why do Republican canidates for Congress keep saying that if yhe the Democrats get in they will raise your taxes? They know fullwell that Bush would veto any such legislation. Are they trying to scare people to vote Republican?
When will the Congress finally raise the minimum wage?
Sally P: Taxes is a tired topic. That shows repubs have nothing else to talk about. They've focused their tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans and not provided for middle class Americans. Dems will focus on fair tax structure that could include tax cuts for middle class.
Dave R: The ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee said he would not extend tax cuts. So it takes legislation. Without legislation, taxes would go up automatically.
which candidate in 3rd district has a record of getting rrsults for their constituents?
What do you think the odds are of the repuplicans keeping control of the Iowa house?
What can a voter do if there is not a single candidate running that I care for? I feel disenfranchised simply because of a lack of choices.
So I take it this is nothing more than another media sham and you are not going to address any tough issues for the voters? Answer the questions asked or don't ask for public input and just continue to talk fluff. What a disappointing segment.
Question for Dave R. - why didn't the republicans make tax cuts permanent? was it too expensive or was it just easier to play politics every few years and make politicians vote on them?
A media sham, huh? Wow. I think we are talking about the issues. Can I suggest decaf?
I live in urbandale and I haven't made up my mind on who to vote for in the congressional race. I am especially worried about job creation in Iowa and my taxes increasing. Can Sally and Dave talk about why we should vote for Boswell or Lamberti?
WHEN, WHEN is the bickering going to stop? They have promised for years!
Dave R: It was a compromise to do it that way. Dems in senate were going to fillibuster. If they didn't put an expiration date on those tax cuts, they wouldn't have happened.
Income taxes is always a concern to the taxpayer. But most taxpayers do not know what they really pay because it is withheld from their paychecks. If we went to a consumption tax, taxpayers would see what they are paying. Then maybe they would get more involved with holding the elected officals accountable for spending.
How do the canidates feel about a national or state consumption tax?
What can a voter do if there is not a single candidate running that I care for? I feel disenfranchised simply because of a lack of choices.
how is each party planning on getting voters to the polls on election day? I have heard that democrats have more people who vote absentee but repubs have a better election day turnout program.
Sally P: Congressman Boz's experience in the military allows him to have the experience and common sense to foreign policy.
Dave R: Lamberti is an effective leader who has worked with both parties.
What's going on in the first congressional district? I don't think we have heard anything about the two candidates.
Get your own decaf, Dave. You are on the public airways asking for questions ... then you discuss issues and not answer the questions posed. Erin Kiernan either knowingly allowed Karen Nussle to lie on air about her and the congressman's adultery, or Erin didn't know the most basic facts of the topic she was presenting. Either way Erin lost credibility and that should be a concern for WHOTV.
Public Safety is one of the major functions of the government. What do the candidates plan to do to make Iowa a safer place to live and what will they do to make our highways safer for the motoring public. We have seen a dramatic decrease in the number of state troopers & other law enforcement patrolling our highways. What will be done to slow the drug traffic and aggressive drivers that have taken to our roadways.
It seems that Joyce Schulte is getting very little air-time. I'm concerned that the Iowa Democratic Party sees her as such a dark horse candidate that the party is not supoorting her campaign with much financial backing. She is definitely a better choice than King for children's issues, family farming, and representing Iowa with integrity and dignity. Would the Lt. Governor please speak about the party's relative support for Joyce as compared to Boswell, for instance?
Tom Latham Congressman from the 4th district is running for re-election for his 7th term. Mr. Latham has taken campaign money from Rep Tom Foley in 2002, Rep Hastert, Jack Ambramoff, Rep. Bob Ney, Rep Duke Cunningham and Rep Tom Delay. In total $94,000 from these contributers, and has voted 94% of the time with George Bush. Why should we think he would have Iowas best interests at heart?
What about this adultery question? I believe it is the responsibility of WHO and other news sources to let the voters know if a candidate is an admitted sinner and he is wanting to run our state government. Is this true? As we all know a majority of his voter base are conservatives that would certainly not approve of this type of behavior from our Governor.
Dave R: To clarify again. Those tax cuts expire. So there would be no Prez veto necessary. Taxes would go up if Congress doesn't extend them.
this week john kerry made some comments offensive to the troops and frankly i think offensive to all americans. what does sally think of this especially since her party has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from kerry?
Sally P: Thanks for the question. I've campaigned with Joyce Schulte in the 5th district. I believe she's a courageous and terrific candidate. That's a difficult district for dems, but we're working hard to increase our voters there.
This week John Kerry botched a joke making fun of Bush, but Bush has botched a war that he lied us into and has resulted in 2,800 American troops dead and upwards of 500,000 Iraqi civilians dead. Which do you each think is worse?
Sally P: John Kerry's comments are not what people should be focusing on. It's about the incompetence of the Bush administration. He's turned record surplus into a record deficit. There's no strategy for our war in Iraq. He failed to respond to Hurricane Katrina. Those are the issues people should have on their minds when they go to the polls. The country needs a new direction, and it won't get it unless it elects dems to majority in Congress.
Dave R: He should apologize to soldiers, not in a press release. Democratic candidates and the democratic party should give back any money Kerry helped them raise.
my son has some serious mental illness. by current law, the insurance company can pay for his mental health care at only 50% but if he had any other illness would pay at 80%. is this right and what would each candidate do about it?
Any answer on whether Nussle's adultery is something voters have the right to know? Or should I go get a cup of coffee?
When a candidate talks about the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman, why can his hypocrisy not be exposed? I remember when journalists used to provide facts to voters.
Dave R: Latham votes for what he thinks is right for the country. He's made national security a top priority. He works for the district very hard and holds town hall meetings throughout the year.
Sally P: Dr. Seldon Spencer offers voters in the 4th district an opportunity to change the direction of the country. That's why he was endorsed by the Mason City Gazette, Ames Tribune and Des Moines Register.
Dave R - Should Bush apologize for his joke at the national press club where he joked on video looking for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist? His joke of a war and occupation has led to over 2,800 dead young patriots. Get real Dave
Sally P: I think your question about your son's mental illness is one our office might help you with. Please call 515.281.0225 and ask to speak with Cindy Jones.
why doe Jim Nussle oppose lifting a ban on stem cell research and what does Chet Culver think about this?
What's the difference between the two candidates in the 3rd District on immigration?
Sally do democrats have a plan if they do take over congress? All i have seen your candidates say is what your 909 answer said...don't vote for republicans because of bush (who also isn't on the ballot). Republicans are talking about securing our border and lowering taxes among other things. But what are your plans beyond bashing gop?
This is a very serious matter. You need to address the adultery questions. I don't beleive Iowans want a man running our state who has admitted cheating on his first wife with his current spouse. Iowa voters would not want a cheater as their Governor. You just ran his ad where he talked about Iowa values. Are we all a big bunch of idiots.
I'm sick of all the phone calls. No one is on the other line just negitive recording from Lambertti or Nussle. I get 4 to six a night. These 2 gentleman now have me hating them. It's only going to get worse the next few days. How do I get them to stop calling me?
1 - Honest Leadership & Open Government: We will end the Republican culture of corruption and restore a government as good as the people it serves, starting with real ethics reform.
2 - Real Security: We will protect Americans at home and lead the world by telling the truth to our troops, our citizens and our allies. We believe in a strong national defense that is both tough and smart, recognizing that homeland security begins with hometown security.
3 - Energy Independence: We will create a cleaner, greener and stronger America by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, eliminating billions in subsidies for oil and gas companies and use the savings to provide consumer relief and develop energy alternatives, and investing in energy independent technology.
4 - Economic Prosperity & Educational Excellence: We will create jobs that stay in America and restore opportunity for all Americans, starting with raising the minimum wage, expanding Pell grants and making college tuition tax deductible. We also believe in budget discipline that reduces our deficit.
5 - A Healthcare System that Works for Everyone: We will join 36 other industrialized nations in making sure everyone has access to affordable health care, starting by fixing the prescription drug program and investing in stem cell and other medical research.
6 - Retirement Security: We will ensure that a retirement with dignity is the right and expectation of every single American, starting with pension reform, expanding saving incentives and preventing the privatization of social security.
i believe the leaders in our country need to get back to working for us instead of partisan bickering. So, I think I want to vote for democrats to congress, but i am afraid of nancy pelosi becoming speaker. she doesn't hold the values we do in iowa and right now hasterts from illinois and i think he's pretty values oriented. is there any possibility of dems electing someone other than nancy pelosi?
What's important? - What a joke, answer the questions or don't expect people to take you seriously Dave.
ADULTERY AND HYPOCRISY - discuss amongst yourselves
Dave R - "Jim has the values of an Iowa Christian" LMAO right now
You have to address the adultery issue ... how can you sit there and lie to the viewers espousing his "christian values" and ignore his adultry and subsequent divorce? Losing respect for you by the minute Dave R.
Seriously can the one jerk just shutup about Nussle's divorce. We get it he's divorced, he might have cheated on his wife. Now shut-up about it.
Or start deleting the posts Dave.
The race for secretary of agriculture is heating up. I heard about animal cruelty charges against denise obrien. How can she be in charge of our farms if she can't keep track of her own?
I have serious questions about Mauro being secretary of state. I don't know all the details but he has been involved in some serious scandals.
Sally P: You might try voting early. You can do so at the auditor's election office today. No guarantees, but it might stop all those phone call.
the anchors just talked about tuition increases. what does the legislature and the gov candidates plan to do to keep tuition from going up? At this rate, I'm never going to be able to save up enough money to send my kid to college.
Someone said earlier that we needed to pick the best person for the job. I can't rely on personally knowing all candidates and I certainly can't believe the advertisements, but I can read the party platforms. If a candidate claims to be a member of a particular party, I have to trust that most of his/her decisions will be based on the statements in that party platform. If he or she can't do that, then they need to change parties.
Governor Vilsack did all he could to eliminate right to work of Iowa. Will Chet Culver or Jim Nussle do the same?
I am very disgusted that Leonard Boswell and his associated groups criticize Sen. Lamberti for supporting a raise for state legislators to only about $27,000 after going years of having no raise at all. The legislators' increase won't benefit Lamberti since it doesn't take effect until Jan. 2007 -- when he won't even be in office. However, Boswell doesn't want to acknowledge that he repeatedly voted to increase his own salary through the U.S. Treasury appropriations bills. This nice salary is currently up to $165,000 a year!! Why won't Boswell admit that he voted for these increases with his salary instead of insulting Iowans' intelligence by claiming it was just a "cost of living adjustment" (COLA)?
Congressman Nussle wants to make Iowa women who have been raped and impregnated criminals if they abort the pregnancy even in the first weeks after the rape. How long does Congressman Nussle propose these victims serve in prison for making this medical decision?
Yes, Dave, I bet the christian conservatives want you to start deleting posts so nobody can find out about the adultery and hypocrisy. If the media won't cover it and posts on websites are deleted then all will be well, huh?
Nussle is running with Bob VanderPlatts who proposes ditching science and teaching our public school kids the theocratic belief of intelligent design. Is this a good idea for our public schools?
How can we be sure that a vote for
Nussle won't be a vote for our state being run by Washington influence? This past week the
President, Laura Bush, Senator Frist, was in Iowa trying to sway votes for Republicans.
If Mr. Nussle needs so many politicans to help get his message out, how can he be an independent
leader that Iowa needs?
Iowa needs more independence from
the corrupt politics of Washington DC.
I bet the "anon" poster who likes to talk about other people's personal lives instead of issues that matter wouldn't be so chatty if everyone got to see all of their peccadillos.
No, Chet's printing of voting instructions in languages other than English is expressly legal. It's unfortunate that republicans find it so necessary to try to block citizen's right to vote. Sad, really.
This anon person only brings up Nussle's adultry because he and Dave R. claim that the congressman has "christian values" and he speaks of the "sanctity of marriage". I am not running for office claiming that I am better than others or somehow more moral. That is why his adultry is an issue in this campaign.
Why was Clinton's adultry an issue, but when it is a republican we need to just shut up? It's only fair to point out hypocrisy.
I'm trying to figure out if I've ever met a more hypocritical candidate than Chet Culver. He'll continously criticize Cong. Nussle's EXPERIENCE in working with 535 other Members of Congress and Senate in trying to control the federal budget. However, apparently the Culver campaign hasn't got out a calculator to total the hundreds of millions he wants to spend or figured out where that money is coming other than the Dems' usual route of raising every tax they run across.
Let's look at Chet Culver's "record":
Chet Culver's office has the primary responsibility for overseeing our state's elections. In 2004, he clearly couldn't even handle that and made Iowa an embarassment to the nation by taking two weeks to get our results called. TWO WEEKS!! I'm sure Chet's office has already made certain that Chet will be named governor. In the private sector, anyone with a "record" or "results" like Chet's would not still have a job.
Nussle's trying to control the budget consists of taking a $236 billion surplus in 2000 and through frivilous spending creating a $412 billion deficit during his tenure as chairman of the federal budget. Tried, but obviously failed.
As for the election of 2004 - did you want Chet to violate the law and stop the counting and clearing up of provisional ballots? I know republicans like to stop vote recounts, but really ... that's a bit of a stretch of a criticism of a secretary of state.
A fact the liberal media rarely reports on is that over 80% of Jim Nussle's campaign contributions have come from Iowans. Most of Chet's money has come from outside the state from places like D.C. For someone who likes to criticize D.C. so much, Chet sure likes taking money from there.
Liberal media ... LOL, that really a funny concept ... which corporations own the media and which media are owned by non-corporate interests? They are all corporate and we know the republicans are the corporate theocrats.
Of course Nussle has received so much money from the gambling interests in Iowa that it only makes sense that Iowa donations are a majority.
Dave, I think your one of WHO's finnest reporters.
Here is my question How many convicted felon's do you think will vote? Is there any way to know how many ex-felons have registered to vote since Gov.Villsack restored felons rights?
Yeah, Republicans like to stop vote recounts, unlike the ultra-liberal AARP, who encourages its members to simply, "Don't Vote" in the most utterly moronic campaign I have ever witnessed.
If Nussle has admitted his adultry, then why did Erin Kiernan allow Karen Nussle to lie on her profile last week?
And, why are there so many closet homosexuals in the moral, anti-gay republican congress? Rep. Foley and Rep. Kolbe were outed, Ken Mehlman is gay, Pastor Haggard is gay, many of the republican chief of staffs on the hill are gay. Jeff Gannon had open access to the West Wing and he is a male prostitute - who was he working with there? As a gay man, I am curious ...
Now we have Chet saying he wants to "continue the progress of Vilsack"? I don't know if I should laugh or shiver in fear. If teachers' salaries continue the downward trend we've seen under Vilsack, we'll soon be in the bottom five. If tuition continues to increase at the Regents' schools, higher education will soon be completely out of reach for most students. If our young people continue to leave the state like they have, we won't have quality, educated workers here and businesses will be less attracted to Iowa. Speaking of education, have we forgotten that Iowa was always on top for student SAT and ACT scores and we've watched those slide on Vilsack's watch where now we're supposed to be content with a tie for second or third place? Do we want to continue Vilsack's borrowing from Trust Funds to make the books look better? Do we want to continue to increase gambling to make the state one big casino? And as a resident of Iowa, I really don't have much interest in seeing the continuation of scandels like CITEC and discrimination in our state agencies. Continuation of the "Vilsack progress"? Good grief, I sure hope not. The state can't afford it and Iowans deserve much more.
WAR Dave Roederer!
Just think of the progress Vilsack could have had - especially on teacher pay - if the republicans in the state legislature weren't undermining the efforts. I look forward to Governor Culver working with a democratic state house and state senate.
Bill Northey is the only fulltime farmer in the race for Sec of Ag and he is the only educated candidate, with a BA and an MBA.He understands the bio-economy and the opportunities in diversifying our products for more value. Why? Because he has successfully incorporated that into his own farming practices.Vote Northey for Iowa Ag.
Many people I talk to simply vote for the lesser of two evils. It is about time we open the political debates for all candidates. So, in order to even the playing field for ALL candidates, that would mean true campaign finance reform. I would like to know their position on campaign finance.
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