John Edwards is celebrating this weekend the number 99. He's now made it to all of Iowa's counties this campaign season, making him the only candidate to do that so far. You'll remember Tommy Thompson pledged to visit all counties, as well. Although when he did it, he made a slight (major, perhaps, if you live in Iowa) that he would visit all 100 counties. I mentioned this to Edwards. He seemed a bit surprised about Thompson's counting problems.
Edwards refused to say he would boycott any other states that move before Iowa's caucuses on January 3 (if any state would dare to do so). He said he assumes Iowa would just move again if another state tried to leapfrog. Edwards also refused to give me a prediction on how well he would have to do in the caucuses. Iowa Democratic long-time activists tell me they think Edwards has to win Iowa to stop Hillary Clinton's current stranglehold in the national polls. I'm told a big reason Edwards has to win here is that he already ran here once. And he nearly caught John Kerry in the final days of the campaign. So people in Iowa already know him.
The Edwards camp send me a campaign memo outlining what he should do well in the caucus. They point out how he's not only been to every county so far, but he's also taken questions from Iowans in every county. No other candidate, the memo writes, has done this. This is yet another shot towards Clinton, who other camps love to point doesn't always take questions from the audience and almost never takes questions from the Iowa media. Obama seemed to go through a period where he didn't give much media access either. Although, he has picked that up in the past several months.
Anyway, I've included the Edwards memo below (this is pretty lengthy...I can't figure out how to do an attachment to this, which undoubtedly would keep it a little cleaner). It lays out why Edwards will do well because of his 99 county strategy, the fact that he's really hitting rural areas and that he hasn't really begun tv ads yet like Obama and Clinton have.
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Harrison Hickman
Global Strategy Group, LLC
Jennifer O’Malley Dillon
Iowa State Director
John Edwards for President
RE: 99 County, 50 State Strategy
DATE: October 27, 2007
On Saturday, as he visits Coulter, Iowa, John Edwards reaches a critical milestone: holding events at which he answered questions from Iowans in all 99 counties.
No other Democratic candidate has achieved this goal – including Senators Obama and Clinton who have each spent similar numbers of days in Iowa. This is significant to the campaign for at least three reasons:
• It represents a significant achievement for the campaign and highlights the growing strength of
Edwards’ organization in all 99 counties.
• It reflects Edwards’ ability to go anywhere in Iowa -- especially rural and traditionally Republican areas – and connect with regular people. Other leading candidates have stuck more heavily to urban and traditionally safe Democratic areas.
• It demonstrates Edwards’ willingness to stand before Iowans and take their questions on any
topic, rather than sticking to tightly scripted events and limiting access from Iowans and reporters.
Edwards’ 99 County, 50 State Strategy
John Edwards’ strategy for winning the caucuses rests on building the strongest and deepest
organization in each of Iowa’s 99 counties, including a focus on rural Iowa. Similarly, his strategy for the general election will be to compete in all 50 states rather than trying to cherry pick the electoral map and squeak out a narrow electoral victory.
Edwards has unique advantages – in both the Iowa Caucuses and the general election – that set him apart from other Democrats in his ability to pursue a 99 county, 50 state strategy. He is the only candidate who has ever won an election in a solidly “red” state, he is the only candidate who comes from a rural community, and he is the only candidate from the South – which has been home to the only Democratic presidents of the last 40 years.
These advantages are confirmed by numerous published polls, which document that he is – by nearly every measure – the strongest Democratic candidate against Republicans like Giuliani, Romney, McCain, and Thompson. This is true in nationwide polling as well as in the key battleground states that will decide the November 2008 presidential election and control of Congress.
Global Strategy Group 2
Clinton, Obama Caucus Strategies Limit Their Appeal
An analysis of travel patterns by Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, and John Edwards demonstrates that Senators Obama and Clinton are pursuing a fundamentally different – and more narrow – strategy than John Edwards.
As of Saturday, Edwards will have spent 53 days in Iowa and have visited all 99 counties, taking question from Iowans in every county along the way. Obama has spent a nearly identical number of days in Iowa – 52 – but has only visited 59 counties. Senator Clinton has visited 38 days – but reached only 39 counties.
The reason for the disparity is simple: John Edwards has placed a higher priority on visiting small, rural communities, talking to the people who live there, and answering their questions.
Why the 99 County Strategy Matters The Iowa Caucus is a unique process that requires not only garnering the most supporters but also requires a broad and deep campaign structure in all of Iowa’s 99 counties. A candidate who does not visit certain counties – or refuses to take questions from local Iowans and/or local reporters – will have a much more difficult time successfully organizing those counties.
The Edwards campaign is the strongest and deepest of any campaign in Iowa. Edwards began this process with an existing base of support. In fact, in 2004, John Edwards either won or came in 2nd in 52 of Iowa’s 99 counties. The campaign has spent 2007 building on its support from 2004 and successfully expanding it across the state.
The caucuses are very different than a primary because they require asking people to spend two hours in the evening in the dead of winter in January to publicly show who they support. This is done in front of their neighbors, their family and friends, and maybe even their bosses. Because of the public and demanding nature of this process, it is critical that candidate’s support is deep enough to withstand the barrage that will come at them on caucus night from the other campaigns.
With Iowa’s proportionally representative system, a campaign that can turn out five additional caucus goers in 100 rural precincts will almost certainly make greater gains than a rival campaign that can turn out an additional 500 caucus goers in one precinct.
Global Strategy Group 3
John Edwards is the only candidate from a rural, red state. He grew up in a rural community. He was the first candidate to outline a comprehensive agenda to revitalize rural communities. He is the only candidate to have announced an organization of 99 rural county chairs (in April) and 1000 rural supporters. Additionally, the campaign is on track to announce steering committees in all 99 counties, demonstrating John Edwards’ deep support in areas both rural and urban. The strength of his organization in rural Iowa is a major asset for the campaign.
The campaign has also announced a 1500 member Women for Edwards organization – far surpassing the total number of women any other campaign has announced. They represent all 99 counties and more than 800 precincts throughout the state.
With 15 offices, more than 100 field organizers, county chairs for all 99 counties, and more than 75 percent of precinct captains already identified, the campaign has a strong organization and continues to build upon this strength. The campaign also benefits from the endorsements of the United Steelworkers, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners in America, the Iowa Postal Workers Union, the Transport Workers Union of America, the United Mine Workers of America, and most recently, the Iowa State Council of the Service Employees International Union along with state councils in 10 other states who are lending their resources and credibility to the effort in Iowa. Together, these unions represent about 17,000 workers and their families in Iowa – a powerful bloc given that the highest caucus turnout in history was 126,000 (in 1988).
The 50 State Strategy: Why it Can Work … If John Edwards is the Nominee
Nationwide general election polling shows John Edwards is the Democrat with the best chance of
defeating the Republican candidate in the 2008 general election for President. Edwards is the only Democrat with a significant lead in a head-to-head match-up against Republican frontrunner Giuliani.
Against the other three major Republican candidates, Edwards’ average margin of victory is identical to or better than that of Barack Obama, and significantly higher than Hillary Clinton’s average margin.
Edwards also outperforms the other Democratic candidates in match-ups with Republican candidates in key battleground states including Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio. Further, unlike other Democrats who must “run the table” in states where Democrats have been competitive in recent elections, Edwards brings new states into play. This provides alternate scenarios – and a margin for error – when it comes to amassing 270 electoral votes.
Former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes has said, “We need a leader who can compete anywhere in America, and win. Some pundits say that a Democrat can’t win in some places in the South, Midwest or West. But they’re wrong. The right Democratic presidential nominee – one who shares our values, understands our issues and offers real and bold solutions – can win these states. That candidate is John Edwards.”
Earlier this year, Oklahoma State Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan endorsed Edwards saying, “Numerous Oklahoma Democrats from both chambers agree that John Edwards is the strongest Presidential candidate in the field. He relates to our values and can communicate with the people of our state.”
• Nationwide head-to-head match-ups. General election polls show Edwards outperforming all
other Democrats against all Republicans. The following table summarizes nationwide general
election polling since Memorial Day, and shows the average margin for each Democrat for polls
in which they are included in horse race questions.
General Election Match-ups
Edwards Clinton Obama
Rudy Giuliani ..................... +4 (11 polls) +2 (35 polls) +2 (27 polls)
John McCain ..................... +6 (9 polls) +3 (18 polls) +6 (16 polls)
Mitt Romney ...................... +15 (8 polls) +10 (17 polls) +13 (11 polls)
Fred Thompson................. +11 (9 polls) +7 (25 polls) +10 (26 polls)
Global Strategy Group 4
• It is likely that national general election polls understate Edwards' general election advantage.
The reason for this is simple: Clinton runs further ahead of Republicans than Edwards in some of the large “blue” states any Democrat will carry (e.g., Massachusetts, New York, California).
“Big Blue State” General Election Match-Ups
John Edwards Hillary Clinton Barack Obama
New York*
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards -1 Clinton +24 Obama +5
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +34 Clinton +40 Obama +28
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +22 Clinton +34 Obama +15
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards +8 Clinton +25 Obama +5
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +25 Clinton +34 Obama +22
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +25 Clinton +29 Obama +17
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards +2 Clinton +20 Obama +4
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +31 Clinton +33 Obama +15
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +21 Clinton +26 Obama +16
SOURCE: Survey USA polling. Best Democrat in each category shown in BOLD.
• Battleground state match-ups. As was evident in 2000, the President is elected in the Electoral College, not in the national vote. Thus, it is even more important that – while still winning the solid “blue” states - Edwards outperforms other Democratic candidates in key battleground states, including Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio. Other Democrats must win in virtually every state where Democrats have been competitive in recent years. In contrast, Edwards brings new states into play, and introduces a margin for error when it comes to winning 270 electoral votes.
Battleground State General Election Match-Ups
John Edwards Hillary Clinton Barack Obama
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards +5 Clinton -1 Obama +2
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +24 Clinton +11 Obama +11
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +10 Clinton +3 Obama +3
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards +14 Clinton +8 Obama +8
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +16 Clinton +7 Obama +10
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +17 Clinton +6 Obama +10
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards +3 Clinton +2 Tied
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +18 Clinton +13 Obama +18
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +15 Clinton +7 Obama +15
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards – 1 Clinton -1 Obama -13
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +20 Clinton +10 Obama -1
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +9 Clinton +1 Obama -8
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards +9 Clinton -3 Obama -21
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +21 Clinton +3 Obama -6
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +6 Clinton -6 Obama -20
Global Strategy Group 5
Battleground State General Election Match-Ups
John Edwards Hillary Clinton Barack Obama
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards +5 Clinton +6 Obama +1
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +19 Clinton +15 Obama +12
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +10 Clinton +7 Obama -2
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards – 7 Clinton -10 Obama -18
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +10 Tied Obama -2
Fred Thompson............. Edwards +1 Clinton -5 Obama -7
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards – 10 Clinton -12 Obama -11
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +14 Clinton +1 Obama +6
Fred Thompson............. Edwards – 7 Clinton -13 Obama -10
Rudy Giuliani ................. Edwards – 10 Clinton -11 Obama -27
Mitt Romney .................. Edwards +6 Clinton -1 Obama -17
Fred Thompson............. Edwards – 12 Clinton -13 Obama -26
SOURCE: Survey USA polling. Best Democrat in each category shown in BOLD.
Battleground Influence: ‘Electability’ Key
Iowa caucus goers are highly sophisticated and have a track record of assessing the electability of the candidates before making their decision. Additionally, caucus goers often do not choose a candidate until very close to the caucuses, making this a very late breaking process. A perfect example of this is 2004,
when in the last few weeks leading up to the caucuses, a large percentage of caucus goers abandoned
Howard Dean in favor of two candidates seen as more electable: John Edwards and John Kerry. With
less than 100 days until the caucuses, our campaign is in a strong position to take advantage of the large
number of undecided caucus goers, especially since caucus goers will be paying close attention to the
race when we go up on air.
In the 2008 caucuses, with a large share of caucus goers either still undecided or not firmly committed to
their choice, concerns about strength in the general election are likely to emerge as a major factor as
Iowans decide whom to support. This was a major strength for Edwards in 2004 and will help him in 2008
as well.
Iowa Polling: Edwards in Strong Position
The Iowa caucuses are inherently difficult to poll accurately, and while there is a wide range of public
polling available, the quality of that polling data also varies widely. Nevertheless, the polling consistently
shows that Edwards is in a strong position in Iowa, and that his support has proven to be deep and
Edwards’ support in public polling of Iowa caucus goers has averaged in the high 20’s since summer,
2006. An overview of sampling and survey findings reveals that Clinton benefits when the screen for the
poll is wider, while a tighter screen – that more closely reflects likely turnout – is to Edwards’ advantage.
Another way to gauge the screen’s selectivity is by looking at the percentage of first-time caucus goers in
the sample. As this percentage declines, Edwards’ support increases. Among those Iowans that will
most certainly attend the caucuses, Edwards is the clear frontrunner. In the Iowa caucuses, having the
most dedicated, experienced base of supporters will be critical to success.
Global Strategy Group 6
Edwards’ strength in Iowa is particularly notable given that his
campaign has yet to run a single television advertisement in the
state. (Notwithstanding the campaign’s small, $23,000 ad buy in
May that featured Iowans speaking out against the war but,
aside from the disclaimer, did not actually have Edwards in it).
In comparison, Obama and Clinton have each spent
considerable sums in the past months, for modest gains.
A strong finish by Edwards in Iowa will fundamentally change the
dynamic of the race, particularly because primary history
teaches us that voters generally decide on their presidential
nominee in a short window prior to the election. In the
2003/2004 primary election cycle, Howard Dean led John Kerry
by an average of 20 percentage points in New Hampshire before
Iowa caucus goers selected Kerry (38%) and Edwards (32%) as their top two candidates. After his
victory in Iowa, Kerry jumped to a 10 point lead in the New Hampshire polls, eventually winning the
primary by a 12 point margin.
Recent Iowa Caucus Polling – Twelve Poll Average
John Edwards’ 99 county, 50 state strategy is uniquely suited to him given his experience with the Iowa
caucuses and his status as the only candidate who has won an election in a “red” state. While the polls in
Iowa remain deadlocked, Edwards’ strategy of aggressively working to earn the support of Iowans in
every county and every part of the state puts him in a very strong position.
June 26th: Obama ads begin
August 14th: Clinton ads begin
7 5/20/2007 6 /16/2007 6/24/2007 7/31/2007
8/19/2007 9/10/2007 9/27/2007
TV Spending
Since June 26th
Edwards Clinton
$23,000 $2,100,000
Obama Richardson
$3,900,000 $2,000,000
Global Strategy Group 7
Citations and Links:
CNN/Opinion Research 927 Registered voters 10/14/2007
CNN/Opinion Research 914 Registered voters 9/9/2007
CNN/Opinion Research 1029 Registered voters 6/24/2007
Cook/RT Strategies 855 Registered voters 10/21/2007
Cook/RT Strategies 855 Registered voters 9/15/2007
Cook/RT Strategies 844 Registered voters 6/23/2007
Cook/RT Strategies 885 Registered voters 6/17/2007
Fox News/Opinion Dynamics 900 Registered voters 10/10/2007
Fox News/Opinion Dynamics 900 Registered voters 9/26/2007
Fox News/Opinion Dynamics 900 Registered voters 7/18/2007
Fox News/Opinion Dynamics 900 Registered voters 6/6/2007
GWU-Battleground 1000 Likely voters 7/18/2007
LA Times/Bloomberg 522 Registered voters 10/22/2007,1,6122726.acrobat?coll=la-news-times_poll
LA Times/Bloomberg 512 Registered voters 10/22/2007,1,6122726.acrobat?coll=la-news-times_poll
LA Times/Bloomberg 1056 Registered voters 6/10/2007
LA Times/Bloomberg 1056 Registered voters 6/10/2007
NBC News/WSJ 1002 Adults 9/13/2007
NBC News/WSJ 1005 Adults 7/30/2007
Global Strategy Group 8
NBC News/WSJ 1008 Adults 6/11/2007
NPR 800 Likely voters 10/7/2007
Newsweek/PSRA 831 Adults 6/21/2007
Quinnipiac 1545 Registered voters 8/13/2007
Quinnipiac 1711 Registered voters 6/11/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 10/18/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 10/16/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 10/11/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 10/9/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 10/4/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 10/2/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 9/27/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 9/25/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 9/20/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 9/18/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 9/13/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 9/11/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 9/4/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/30/2007
Global Strategy Group 9
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/28/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/23/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/21/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/16/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/14/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/9/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/7/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 8/2/2007
Rasmussen 839 Likely voters 7/31/2007
Rasmussen 643 Likely voters 7/26/2007
Rasmussen 1472 Likely voters 7/24/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 7/19/2007
Rasmussen 1029 Likely voters 7/17/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 7/10/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 7/10/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 6/28/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 6/26/2007
Rasmussen 1200 Likely voters 6/24/2007
Rasmussen 792 Likely voters 6/21/2007
Global Strategy Group 10
Rasmussen 1200 Likely voters 6/17/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 6/14/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 6/12/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 6/7/2007
Rasmussen 800 Likely voters 6/5/2007
USA Today/Gallup 918 Registered voters 7/15/2007
USA Today/Gallup 927 Registered voters 6/14/2007
USA Today/Gallup 905 Registered voters 6/3/2007
Washington Post/ABC News 1114 Adults 9/30/2007
Zogby 1012 Likely voters 7/14/2007
SurveyUSA State-by-state polling:
Alabama 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
California 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Iowa 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Kansas 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Kentucky 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Massachusetts 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Missouri 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
New York 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Global Strategy Group 11
Ohio 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Oklahoma 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Oregon 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
Virginia 500* Registered voters 9/16/2007
*SurveyUSA respondent totals vary by matchup within each state poll, but average approximately 500 interviews.