Sunday, July 20, 2008

Move Over Microsoft

It looks like Microsoft may have a little data competition in the metro. Microsoft's been eyeing West Des Moines and Urbandale for months for its new data center (thanks, in part, to a bunch of tax breaks from the state of Iowa). My sources had been telling me West Des Moines would be the likely destination. Although several other sources say Urbandale looks stronger now. Hmmm...

Anyway, another city in the metro looks like it will get its own smaller data center than the one Microsoft is planning to build. It's not West Des Moines or Urbandale. I'll tell you more Monday (that's what we call a tease in the tv biz:)

How 'bout my Cards? A huge home run in the 8th by red hot Troy Glaus. And then Izzy blows it in the 9th...again. I wonder if it's time to cut him lose? I know he has done a bunch for the team. But he just can't seem to get it done. I don't know whether it's mental or physical. But he just seems to keep failing. Sad. But then midget Miles hits a granny in the bottom of the ninth to win it. What a year this has been! If they could just get a closer and a good shortstop.

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